Transfer to a Physical File

A file, such as a PC program, that does not require the processing of the contents of an iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file or the reading of data, should be transferred to a physical file with the BINARY transfer type. Because data is not converted, if the data is subsequently retransmitted from the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 to a workstation, the original workstation file can be re-created exactly. If the data is converted, however, data might not be restored to its original form, depending on the contents of the conversion table.

For the maximum number of members (MAXMBRS), a physical file attribute, the default value is 1. When a physical file is created during file transfer, MAXMBRS is 1.

When a file is transferred from a workstation to a physical file, the default file name xxxBIN is assumed (xxx is a workstation file extension.) If you transfer more than one file, an error occurs when the second and subsequent files are transferred: The TRANS58 file or member cannot be created. File transfer terminates. A file should be created with the expected file attribute before it is transferred from a workstation to the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5.