Collect Screens

Using the File → Print Screen Collection → Collect Screen feature, you can add a capture of all or part of the screen to a collection of captures.

To capture part of a screen, take the following steps:
  1. Use the marking rectangle to mark an area of the screen.
  2. Click File → Print Screen Collection → Collect Screen in the usual way. Z and I Emulator for Windows captures the entire screen image (including the white marking rectangle) and adds the screen image to the list of collected screen captures in the usual way, so that you can see the context of the area enclosed by the white marking rectangle.
  3. Print the screen image. Z and I Emulator for Windows prints only the area that lies inside the white marking rectangle.
Note: The Collect Screens feature works independently of the normal Print Screen function. You can still use Print Screen to print an individual screen, while collecting multiple screens.