Orientation Parameters (5250)

When you use a PC400 printer session, you can set the following additional parameters by clicking the Orientation tab.

Table 1. Page Setup Parameters — Orientation Tab (PC400 Printer Session)

Group Parameter Description

These margin settings are used only if Use best fit scaling is selected.

Top Margin Bottom Margin is assumed to be equal to Top Margin.
Left Margin Right Margin is assumed to be equal to Left Margin.
Page Orientation

Changes the default page orientation to specify how to print a document on the workstation printer. If the orientation is explicitly set by the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 page setup code, the explicit orientation is used.

Use automatic page orientation If selected and the host does not explicitly set the orientation, the best orientation based on the host specified CPI, LPI, and page size will be used.

If not selected and the host does not explicitly set the orientation the following drawer orientation will be used.

Drawer 1 orientation

The default page orientation for the paper from drawer 1.

Computer output reduction The document is printed in landscape. The font, pitch, and margins are set to appropriate values to fit on a page.
Portrait The document is printed in portrait.
Landscape The document is printed in landscape.
Drawer 2 orientation

The default page orientation for the paper from drawer 2.

Computer output reduction The document is printed in landscape. The font, pitch, and margins are set to appropriate values to fit on a page
Portrait The document is printed in portrait.
Landscape The document is printed in landscape.

When you use a PC400 printer session, you can set the following additional parameters by clicking the Form Settings tab. This option is available only when the printer and its driver support the change-source function.

Table 2. Page Setup Parameters — Form Settings Tab (PC400 Printer Session Only)
Parameter Description
Form Settings Specifies the form that should be selected when an application program specifies one of the following paper sources:
  • Drawer-one form
  • Drawer-two form
  • Envelope-hopper form

Before using this function, you must configure the paper trays and forms in the printer-driver setup.

Table 3. Page Setup Parameters — Advanced Options Tab (PC400 Printer Session Only)
Option Item to be set
Printer Font Code Page Represents the code page being used for printing and displaying on the workstation.
No CR between fields Represents not sending a CR when printing other fields on the same line.
Print bold as normal Represents printing bold characters as not bold.
Display print status dialog Represents showing a dialog window that will display showing printer status.
Use raster fonts Represents allowing bitmap fonts for display and printing.