Transferring Data from DOS Random Files

When you transfer data from DOS random files to iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 files, the data changes as follows:
  • ASCII character, date, time, and time-stamp data changes to EBCDIC character data on a byte by byte basis.
  • Binary fields in the workstation file are stored in an order reversed from what the system file expects. These bytes reverse and transfer to the system file.
  • Hexadecimal fields do not change. The field length on the system should be the same as the field length on the workstation.
  • For packed decimal fields, only the last half-byte (the byte that contains the sign) is changed. The host system uses X'F' to indicate a positive number and X'D' to indicate a negative number for the sign half-byte.

    For example, X'08654313' appears as X'0865431F'.

  • Zoned decimal fields on the workstation change from ASCII to EBCDIC , as do character fields. The last half-byte (the half-byte that contains the sign) in the workstation field is changed to X'F' to indicate a positive number and X'D' to indicate a negative number.

    For example, ASCII X'3031323532B6' appears as EBCDIC X'F0F1F2F5F2D6'.

  • For null-capable iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 fields, null values (except date, time, and time stamp) cannot be reliably detected and are not uploaded. For variable-length iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 fields, trailing blanks are removed, and the field is converted to the variable-length format.