ASCII Numeric Data

The data transfer function defines ASCII numeric data to represent any numeric value stored in ASCII format. This is not a valid iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 system data type. The number -123.45 in ASCII format is:

2D 31 32 33 2E 34 35

The decimal point and sign are stored explicitly for ASCII numeric data. The character on the left displays the sign (space or plus (+) for positive, minus (-) for negative). Leading zeros to the left of the decimal point change to spaces. The decimal point, if any, is added in the correct position.

BASIC sequential and DIF file types also support another form of ASCII numeric data called exponential numbers.

An exponential number is a decimal number followed by the letter E or D and a signed integer of two or three digits. E represents a single-precision number and D represents a double-precision number. The exponent portion (E or D and the integer) represents times 10 to the power of the integer specified.

For example, the number -1.0E+03 (representing -1.0 x 103 in ASCII numeric format) is:

2D 31 2E 30 45 2B 30 33

For example, the number 9.5D-15 (representing 9.5 x 10-15 in ASCII numeric format) is:

39 2E 35 44 2D 31 35