Transferring Data to New Members in an Existing File

You can transfer the data in a workstation file to new members in an existing iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file. The transfer function automatically creates these members in the specified file in the specified library. New members are created according to the file description in the existing file.

Be particularly careful when only the field subset of the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file can be transferred from the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 to a workstation by the previous transfer request. When data is returned to the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5, new members can receive only the subset defined in that iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file. Other character fields that are defined, but not transferred are filled with blanks. Numeric fields are filled with zeros or the valued specified at file creation. The date, time, and time-stamp fields use iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 default values.