How to Determine PC400 Font

When a print job is created on iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5, a certain font, identified by font ID (GFID), is associated with it. Such a font can be specified by the following parameters:
  • Font family
  • Pitch and family
  • Character set
  • Width
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Style

System fonts are available with all print drivers, and more flexible device fonts are unique to each printer and printer driver. These fonts are also more fixed as to CPI, weight, code pages, and other criteria that can preclude use of it when matching to the host specified needs.

There are problems associated with mapping an iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 font to a PC font. When your PC has all of the fonts that you need, use the following table to determine the best font to use.

Table 1. iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 Font Parameters

Entry ID Font Family GFID Pitch & Family Character Set Width Height Weight Style
GFID0003 OCR-B 3 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0005 Orator 5 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0011 Courier 11 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0012 Prestige 12 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0013 Artisan 13 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0018 Courier Italic 18 49 0 144 240 400 255
GFID0019 OCR-A 19 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0020 Pica 20 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0030 Symbol 30 49 2 144 240 400 0
GFID0038 Orator 38 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0039 Gothic 39 49 0 144 240 800 0
GFID0040 Gothic 40 49 0 144 240 800 0
GFID0041 Roman 41 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0042 Serif 42 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0043 Serif 43 49 0 144 240 400 255
GFID0044 Katakana 44 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0045 APL 45 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0046 Courier Bold 46 49 0 144 240 800 0
GFID0050 Shalom 50 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0066 Gothic 66 49 0 144 240 400 0
GFID0068 Gothic 68 49 0 120 240 400 255
GFID0069 Gothic 69 49 0 120 240 800 0
GFID0070 Serif 70 49 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0071 Serif 71 49 0 120 240 400 255
GFID0072 Serif 72 49 0 120 240 800 0
GFID0080 Symbol 80 49 2 120 240 400 0
GFID0084 Script 84 49 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0085 Courier 85 49 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0086 Prestige 86 49 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0087 Letter-Gothic 87 49 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0091 Light 91 49 0 120 240 400 255
GFID0107 Courier 107 49 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0110 Letter-Gothic 110 49 0 120 240 800 0
GFID0111 Prestige 111 49 0 120 240 800 0
GFID0112 Prestige 112 49 0 120 240 400 255
GFID0115 Symbol 115 49 2 120 240 400 0
GFID0155 Boldface 155 18 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0158 Document 158 18 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0159 Boldface 159 18 0 120 240 800 0
GFID0160 Essay 160 34 0 120 240 800 0
GFID0162 Essay 162 34 0 120 240 800 255
GFID0163 Essay 163 34 0 120 240 800 0
GFID0168 Barak 168 18 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0173 Essay 173 34 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0175 Document 175 18 0 120 240 400 0
GFID0176 Boldface 176 18 0 120 240 800 0
GFID0177 Boldface 177 18 0 120 240 800 255
GFID0193 Symbol 193 49 2 120 240 400 0
GFID0198 Symbol 198 49 2 144 240 400 0
GFID0204 Gothic 204 49 0 108 210 400 0
GFID0221 Prestige 221 49 0 96 210 400 0
GFID0222 Gothic 222 49 0 96 210 400 0
GFID0223 Courier 223 49 0 96 210 400 0
GFID0225 Symbol 225 49 2 96 240 400 0
GFID0229 Serif 229 49 0 96 210 400 0
GFID0230 Gothic 230 49 0 96 210 400 0
GFID0245 Courier Bold 245 49 0 288 240 800 0
GFID0252 Courier 252 49 0 84 240 400 0
GFID0253 Courier Bold 253 49 0 84 240 800 0
GFID0254 Courier 254 49 0 84 120 400 0
GFID0280 APL 280 49 0 72 120 400 0
GFID0281 Gothic 281 49 0 72 120 400 0
GFID0290 Gothic 290 49 0 54 120 400 0
GFID0751 Sonoran-serif 751 18 0 54 162 400 0
GFID1051 Sonoran-serif 1051 18 0 66 198 400 0
GFID1053 Sonoran-serif 1053 18 0 66 198 800 0
GFID1056 Sonoran-serif 1056 18 0 66 198 400 255
GFID1351 Sonoran-serif 1351 18 0 84 240 400 0
GFID1653 Sonoran-serif 1653 18 0 108 312 800 0
GFID2103 Sonoran-serif 2103 18 0 162 480 800 0
  1. Default GFID from host is 011, we use Courier 10 CPI.
  2. A print driver will change the font to its default if you ask for a font name that it does not recognize. Some drivers recognize Gothic, but the DeskJet drivers do not.
  3. Most print drivers default to Courier New, instead of Courier. So Courier switched to Courier New works, but Gothic switched to Courier New changes the font family. Preferably, you should explicitly select Courier New.
  4. Special fonts like CourHEB and GRCOUR869 (for Greek) has required them to be added to PCSPD.DAT to work. Note if the operating system properly or fully supports a language, that font could be the default font instead of Courier New.