When Unwrap Text is true and Continuous Extract is false

When Continuous Extract is false, the row and column pairs represent the corners of a rectangular block of text. When you set Unwrap Text to true, the macro runtime reads each row of the rectangular block of text and processes each field in the row as follows:
  • If the field begins outside the row and continues into the row, then the macro runtime ignores the field.
  • If the field begins inside the row and ends inside the row, then the macro runtime includes the field's contents in the result.
  • If the field begins inside the row and ends outside the row, then the macro runtime includes the contents of the entire field (including the part outside the rectangular block of text) in the result.

The intent of the Unwrap Text option is to capture the entire contents of a field as one string even if the field wraps from one line to the next.

For example, suppose that the session window is 80 characters wide and that rows 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the session window are as follows:
...............................................Compress or print data set.......
..............................................................Reset statistics..
..............................................................Catalog or display
information of an entire data set...............................................
Suppose also that the following text areas in the lines above are fields:
Compress or print data set
Reset statistics
Catalog or display information of an entire data set
Finally, suppose that:
  • Continuous Extract is false (this is the default setting).
  • Unwrap Text is true.
  • The marking rectangle has its upper left corner at row 9 and column 63 (the 'n' of 'print') and its lower right corner at row 11 and column 73 (the ' ' after 'or').
  • The extraction name is 'Extract1'.
  • The data plane is TEXT_PLANE.
If you are using the HCL ZIE Host Access toolkit the macro runtime returns the following array of strings as the return value of the toolkit method: 'Reset statistics', 'Catalog or display information of an entire data set'. The macro runtime:
  • Skips 'Compress or print data set' because the field begins outside the marking rectangle.
  • Returns 'Reset statistics' because the field begins within the marking rectangle.
  • Returns 'Catalog or display information of an entire data set' because the field begins inside the marking rectangle, even though the field wraps to the next line.

If you are not using the toolkit, the macro runtime concatenates the individual strings and stores them as a single string into the variable that you specified in the Extract window. In this example the macro runtime stores the string 'Reset statisticsCatalog or display information of an entire data set' into the variable.