Print actions (<print> element)

The Print actions allow you to print text from the session window of a 3270 Display session. You can print the entire application screen, or you can print a rectangular area of text from the application screen. You can use the same printer setup options and most of the same page setup options that are available for a 3270 Printer session.

You can use the Print actions only with a 3270 Display session.

The Print actions do not create a host print session. Rather, the Print actions print data that is displayed in the 3270 Display session window (screen print).

The Print actions are:
  • Print Start
  • Print Extract
  • Print End
The Print Start action instantiates a print bean object for the current macro and sets the Printer Setup options and the Page Setup options for the bean. The Print Extract action sends text to the print bean. The Print End action terminates the print bean.

Although the Macro Editor presents Print Start, Print Extract, and Print End as separate types of action, in fact the Macro object stores all three using the <print> element.