Basic parameters

In the Transfer Direction listbox you must specify whether you want the file to go from the workstation to the host (Send) or from the host to the workstation (Receive). If you select Expression, then you must specify an expression (for example, a variable named $strDirection$) that at runtime resolves to either Send or Receive.

Host-File Name field and Local-File Name field shows the values that you should use in the Host-File Name field and the Local-File Name field:
Table 1. Host-File Name field and Local-File Name field
Transfer Direction: Host-File Name field: Local-File Name field:
Send The name that you want assigned to the file when it reaches the host. For example, in a 3270 Display session, 'trace1 txt a' The name of the file that you want to send to the host. For example, 'e:\\tm\\trace1.txt'.
Receive The name of the file that you want to receive at the workstation. For example, 'january archive a' The name that you want assigned to the file after it reaches the client. For example, 'd:\\MyData\\january.arc'
Remember that if you are using the advanced macro format the backslash \ is a special character that must be written '\\'(see In the advanced macro format, rules for representation of strings, etc.).