E. Add the required Vault parameters for the CMPIVaultPlugin.

Add the required Vault parameters to allow the HCM database to map the user ID to the host ID.

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Use the Vault.xml file located in the WAR file as a reference for adding parameters when editing the web.xml file.
  1. The following parameters contain all the relevant information needed to connect to your HCM database, which in this example is a JDBC database table. You can either configure access to an existing database or point to a newly created database. The level of security for the database varies according to database vendor. Refer to the database application's documentation for details.

    This is a URL string that provides the address of the database. An example of this string is jdbc:db2://dtagw:6789/ZIESSO.
    Code example:
    This string contains the name of the class that acts as the network database driver. An example of this string is COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver. The location of this class is assumed to be in the existing class path.
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    This is the ID of the user account to use when accessing the database.
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    This is the password of the user account to use when accessing the database.

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    This parameter should be encrypted using the encrypt password tool. It is decrypted by the HCM plug-in before using it. For more information about the password encryption tool, refer to Password encryption tool.
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    This entry identifies the table to use for the needed query.
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  2. The following parameters should correspond directly to the column headings in your HCM database and should clearly indicate the contents of the columns. With some databases, such as IBM DB2, the column headings must be in all upper-case letters, for example, NETWORKID, HOSTADDRESS, HOSTID, and PASSWORD.

    Based on the information provided by the first two of these parameters (network ID and host address), you can make a SQL query of the database to get the host ID. The result of the query is entered in the host ID (HOSTID) column. Assuming that the query is successful, a call is made to the vault-style database to request the password.

    This entry identifies the name of the column that contains the network ID value (NETWORKID).
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    This entry identifies the name of the column that contains the host address value (HOSTADDRESS).
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    This entry identifies the name of the column that contains the host address value (HOSTADDRESS).
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    This entry identifies the name of the column that contains the host application value (APPLICATIONID).
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    This entry identifies the name of the column that contains the user's host identification value (HOSTID).
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    This entry identifies the name of the column that contains the host password value (PASSWORD).
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