B. Become familiar with the INIT parameters in the web.xml file.

In this step, you will become familiar with the three default INIT parameters in the web.xml file.
  • Host Credential Mapper (HCM) plug-in: The name of the parameter is CMPICredentialMappers, and the parameter value is a compound value that contains the list of all available HCM plug-ins, for example, CMPIDCASPlugin and CMPIVaultPlugin. Currently, the value is echo, but you will eventually replace this with the name of your HCM plug-in.
    Code example:
  • Network Security plug-in: The name of the parameter is CMPINetworkSecurity, and the parameter value is the full path name of the class that handles the CMS interface into the network security application. This example is taken from the amcms.war file, which is based on the Tivoli Access Manager network security application:
    Code example:

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    The Network Security plug-in does not apply to Microsoft Active Directory (Windows Domain), Portal Server, or Certificate-based Web Express Logon. For Microsoft Active Directory, the Windows login ID is used to identify the user. For Portal Server, the Portal ID is used to identify the user. For Certificate-based Web Express Logon, the client certificate is used to identify the user.
  • echo plug-in: The name of this INIT parameter (echo) is the same as the value for the HCM plug-in. In a future step, you will replace echo with the name of your HCM plug-in.
    Z and I Emulator for Web provides this optional echo plug-in in case you want to confirm that you are able to deploy the CMS correctly before you begin editing the web.xml file. For example, after you deploy your CMS to a Web server, you can test it by entering the following syntax in a workstation's browser address bar: https://web_application_server_name/context_root/CredMapper, where web_application_server_name is the name of the Web application server, context_root is the name of the context root that you specify when deploying the CMS, and CredMapper is the name of the CMS itself.

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    Some Web application server products allow you to deploy the servlet first and then edit the XML file. Other products, such as WebSphere Application Server Version 5, work best when you deploy the servlet after you edit the XML code. Refer to your product's documentation for details.
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