Deploying customer-supplied Java archives and classes

Customer-supplied Java classes and archives are Java class files and archive files that are not included either as part of the Z and I Emulator for Web client or as part of the Java Runtime Environment. Examples of such files are Java classes or archives that you yourself have implemented or that you have obtained from third parties.

You would want to deploy such classes or archives for use with the emulator client in the following situations:
  • You want your users to run macros that call customer-supplied Java methods.
  • You want your users to run a customer-supplied applet with the session (either started automatically with the session or launched using the Actions > Run Applet... selection on the menu of the session window).

    top Graphic Image
    For Java limitations on running customer-supplied applets, see Limitations with customer-supplied applets and Java.
Although several methods are available for deploying these files, each method works only under certain circumstances. The possible methods are:

The deployment method you choose depends on:
  • The type of file deployed (Java classes and Java archives)
  • Where the files will be deployed (Z and I Emulator for Web server or client workstation)
  • The type of client platform and the type of browser.

The three methods available for deploying customer-supplied Java archives and classes are described in the following sections. In addition, Hints and tips for archive files provides more information about using archive files.