Using the AdditionalArchives HTML parameter

You can use this method when you want to deploy Java archives to a Z and I Emulator for Web server. This method works for the Web Start client.

Java archives must be Java .JAR files.

The advantage of using the AdditionalArchives HTML parameter is that it causes your Java archives to be downloaded to the user's workstation automatically when one of your users connects with the client HTML file on your Z and I Emulator for Web server.

The disadvantage of this method is that these Java archives or class files will be downloaded again every time a user connects to that HTML file . The reason for downloading the archives every time your user connects is to ensure that the Z and I Emulator for Web client has the latest versions of your archives or class files. As a result, this method works best when the Java archives or class files are relatively few and relatively small, so that your users do not have to wait a long time for these files to be downloaded, and so that downloading these files to your users does not place a heavy load on your Web server.

To use this method, perform the following steps:
  1. Place the archives in your Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory. The default publish directory is the subdirectory ZIEWeb in your Z and I Emulator for Web server's install directory, such as c:\Program Files\HCL\ZIEForWeb\ZIEWeb\.
  2. Edit the HTML file with the Deployment Wizard. Then:
    1. On the Advanced Options panel, click HTML Parameters.
    2. In the Name field, enter AdditionalArchives.
    3. In the Values field, enter the names of your Java archives, separated by commas, without file extensions (.jar). For example:
For more information, see HTML parameters in the online help.