Table/View/Alias Selection panel

You use the Table/View/Alias Selection panel to select a table, view, or alias from a list produced when you have used an asterisk (*) or a pattern when specifying a Db2® object name.

Panel and field definitions

 ┌──────────────────────── Table/View/Alias Selection ─────────────────────────┐
 │                                                           Row 1 to 13 of 39 │
 │ Select one of the tables/views/aliases from the list.                       │
 │                                                                             │
 │                                                        Table                │
 │ S Owner  + Table/View/Alias Name            + Database Space    Type        │
 │   HFMUSER  ACT                                JOHND81A JOHNS81P TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  DEPT                               JOHND81A JOHNS81D TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  EACT                               JOHND81A JOHNS81R TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  EDEPT                              JOHND81A JOHNS81R TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  EEMP                               JOHND81A JOHNS81R TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  EEPA                               JOHND81A JOHNS81R TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  EMP                                JOHND81A JOHNS81E TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  EMPPROJACT                         JOHND81A JOHNS81P TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  EPROJ                              JOHND81A JOHNS81R TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  EPROJACT                           JOHND81A JOHNS81R TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  MAP_TBL                            JOHND81P JOHNS81Q TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  PARTS                              JOHND81A JOHNS81S TABLE       │
 │   HFMUSER  PROJ                               JOHND81A JOHNS81P TABLE       │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Command ===>                                                                │
 │  F1=Help        F2=Split       F3=Exit        F4=Expand      F7=Backward    │
 │  F8=Forward     F9=Swap       F10=Left       F11=Right      F12=Cancel      │
Selection column. To select a table, type S.
The name of the owner of the table.
Table/View/Alias Name
The name of the table, view, or alias.
The name of the database containing the table.
Table Space
The name of the table space containing the table.
The Db2® object type.

Parent panels

This panel appears when you enter an asterisk (*) or pattern in one or more of the following fields when specifying a Db2® object name: Owner, Name, Database, Table space.

Child panels


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