Create Table: Table Referential Constraints panel

You use the Create Table: Table Referential Constraints panel to specify information to define one or more table referential constraints for the table.

Panel and field definitions

  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 ZDT/Db2 (DFG2)   Create Table: Table Referential Constraints   Row 1 to 1 of 1

     Constrnt                                   <----- Parent table ------> ON
 Cmd Name   + Foreign key columns...          + Owner  + Name             + DLT
     CON1                                                EMP                 
 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F6=Colcons   F7=Backward
  F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
Line command area. Use the following line commands to manipulate the panel rows containing table referential constraint information:
Insert n new rows.
Repeat the current row n times.
Delete n rows.
Select the row and display the Referential Constraint panel.
Constrnt Name
The name of the constraint. This is an optional field.
Foreign key columns...
A list of the columns currently selected as the foreign key for this constraint. ZDT/Db2 displays only as many columns as fit in the available space.
Parent Table Owner
Optionally use this field to qualify the name of the parent table.
Parent Table Name
The name of the table containing the parent key. This field is mandatory.
See details for the ON DLT field as described in Create Table: Column Referential Constraints panel.

Parent panels

Child panels

To display this panel… Use/do this
Create Table: Table Referential Constraint panel Enter S in Cmd field

Related tasks

Related references