Explain Utilities panel

You use the Explain Utilities panel to select functions to support the use of the Db2® EXPLAIN SQL statement.

Panel and field definitions

  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 ZDT/Db2 (DFG2)                Explain Utilities

        L List plan table rows
        C Create plan table               D Drop plan table
       CF Create function table          DF Drop function table
       CS Create statement table         DS Drop statement table
       CX Create plan table index

 Table Identification Criteria:
    Owner . . . . . . .                   +
    Database  . . . . .         
    Table space . . . .         

 Row Identification Criteria:
    Plan name . . . . .                         
    DBRM/package name .                                                     +
    Collection ID . . .                                                     +

    Enter "/" to select option
       Confirm object drop
 Command ===>                                                                   
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
List a plan table. ZDT/Db2 displays the rows of the specified plan table. If you leave the Plan table owner field blank, ZDT/Db2 uses your current SQL ID. You can qualify the rows by Plan name, DBRM/package name, and Collection ID. You can list any related statement table and function table rows, if they exist, using line commands from the plan table. The table name for a plan table is always PLAN_TABLE.
Create a plan table. A plan table is needed for the SQL EXPLAIN statement. If you leave the Plan table owner field blank, ZDT/Db2 uses your current SQL ID. You can optionally use the Database and Table space fields to define the database and table space to be used when the plan table is created. The table name for a plan table is always PLAN_TABLE.
Create a function table, where the SQL EXPLAIN statement can store information about how function references are resolved. ZDT/Db2 uses the Plan table owner field (or, if it is left blank, your current SQL ID) as the owner of the function table. The table name for a function table is always DSN_FUNCTION_TABLE.
Create a statement table, where the SQL EXPLAIN statement can store the estimated costs for an SQL statement. ZDT/Db2 uses the Plan table owner field (or, if it is left blank, your current SQL ID) as the owner of the statement table. The table name for a statement table is always DSN_STATEMNT_TABLE.
Create an index on the plan table for the Db2® optimizer. An index on the plan table is recommended if you use Db2® optimizer hints.
Upgrade a plan table to the current Db2® version. Use this option to add columns so that the plan table is at the level that Db2® supports.
Drop plan table.
Drop function table.
Drop statement table.
Plan table owner
See function descriptions below.
See function descriptions below.
Table space
See function descriptions below.
Plan name
See function descriptions below.
DBRM/package name
See function descriptions below.
Collection ID
See function descriptions below.
Confirm object drop
Indicates if you want ZDT/Db2 to display a confirmation panel each time you enter a DR(op) command against an object

Parent panels

Child panels

To display this panel… Use/do this
Plan Table Rows panel Function L
Create Index panel Function CX

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