z/OS UNIX Inquisitor example

In this example, the requirement is for a full scan of the file system, but it is known that the DEPLOY 1 product has a vast subdirectory structure containing thousands of files, with the actual software for the product being confined to its bin subdirectory. Accordingly, to reduce unproductive processing the decision is made to exclude the product’s files from the z/OS UNIX Inquisitor scan except for its bin subdirectory. The main DEPLOY 1 directory is called deploy1 and it is a subdirectory of the system’s root directory.

To implement this exclusion filtering, the HZAXROOT file and the HZAXOMIT file contain the records as indicated below.

HZAXROOT contents:
* System root directory
* DEPLOY-1 executable program directory
* DEPLOY-1 mount-point directory
The result is as follows:
  • The z/OS UNIX Inquisitor will begin scanning the entries in the systemroot directory.
  • As each subdirectory is discovered, the subdirectory path name will be compared to path names supplied from the HZAXOMIT file and discarded if a match is found. In this way, the /deploy1 directory and all its subdirectories will be excluded from the scan.
  • After the remainder of the file system has been scanned, the z/OS UNIX Inquisitor will scan the /deploy1/bin directory and its subdirectories if it has any. Again, subdirectory path names will be compared with paths named in the HZAXOMIT file, but no exact matches will be found since none of the names can equal /deploy1/.