Collecting usage data with the Usage Monitor

The Usage Monitor is a server address space that runs as a started task. Work is queued to the Usage Monitor from all address spaces where programs are used. The Usage Monitor moves captured program usage data into the collection repository and periodically writes the accumulated data to a sequential file. The Usage Monitor runs APF authorized and is non swappable.

The Usage Import process, available in the Linux on Z ZAO UI docker container web-based interface (Import->Perform Import Processing), imports zip compressed data generated by the Usage Monitor and aggregates usage data for discovered or identified modules in the Repository database tables. Usage Import can process only zip compressed Usage Monitor data files.

These files are required to be 'binary' transferred to a local workstation/desktop from the z/OS host after being compressed using the HZACZCAT job. The files are then uploaded directly to the ZAO UI docker container from the workstation using the available web-based interface.