Setting up the Usage Monitor

Use the HZACUMON job in hzac.HZACCONT.CNTL to run the Usage Monitor.

Parameters for the Usage Monitor job are HZACMNPM member in the hzac.HZACCONT.CNTL library.

Files used by the Usage Monitor

The Usage Monitor has three product-specific files. They are:
A sequential file consisting of fixed length 80 byte records. It contains initial commands which are run before data collection becomes active. It must contain the data set prefix to be used for dynamically created output files. The prefix can be changed later by an operator MODIFY command.

HZAZIN is opened, read, and closed during initialization processing. Do not specify FREE=CLOSE in the JCL for HZAZIN, or refresh processing is not possible.

A log file which contains the initial commands issued, and which indicates their degree of success. It also contains regular status reports, refresh reports (when appropriate), and a termination report. It consists of fixed length 121 byte records.
A report file used by the SORT program.

Output files containing program usage data are dynamically allocated by the Usage Monitor. The data set name prefix, the allocation unit, and the primary and secondary space allocation quantities (in tracks) need to be customized for the target system. This is done in the PARMLIB member HZASMNPM.