Mandatory parameters

Mandatory parameters

The UMDSN or the UMMASK parameter must be specified.
UMDSN (hlq)
hlq is the Usage Monitor data set high-level qualifier. When the UMDSN parameter is specified, ZCAT concatenates all data sets having names of hlq.Dyyyyddd.Thhmmsst where yyyyddd and hhmmsst are the timestamp patterns of data sets produced by the Usage Monitor. The hlq can contain wildcard characters of percent or asterisk. The percent character denotes a single character mask, and the asterisk character denotes all characters. For example UMDSN(ZAO.**) would search for all data set names of ZAO.**.D%%%%%%%.T%%%%%%%
dsnmask is the full dsn mask search criteria. It can be used to search for a pattern of files that differ from the files produced by the Usage Monitor. This parameter is useful if the files produced by the Usage Monitor have been renamed, but still need processing. Specifying UMMASK(hlq.D%%%%%%%.T.
%%%%%%%) is equivalent to specifying UMDSN(hlq)

An easy way to remember the difference between UMDSN and UMMASK is to remember that UMDSN can accept the data set name prefix value specified in the Usage Monitor DSN setting, whereas UMMASK requires a mask which will match the entire data set name.