Pre-installation or update activities


  1. Please ensure you have received a ZAO V2.1.1 installation package file named:
  2. Transfer this file to the Linux on Z server/system you wish to use for execution of ZAO V2.1.1 If using ‘ftp’ for the transfer protocol, please ensure you set the ‘binary’ (or ‘image’) option first.
  3. Log on to the Linux for Z system using your account details. If there are missing dependency packages found during the installation script processing, you need either ‘root’ privileges to correct this or contact your system administrator to perform this action for you. See Appendix A for a list of dependencies for using an Ubuntu target host system.
  4. Unzip the transferred zip file into any available folder if not already done.

    Please refrain from using '/tmp', as this location is used by the installation process as a 'work' area.

  5. Check Installation Environment:
    • Your Linux for Z system account requires the ‘docker’ group to be available to you. To verify this, enter the following command after you have logged on:$ groups
    • Ensure that ‘docker’ is listed in the group names displayed. If it is not, please contact your system administrator to add the ‘docker’ group to your accounts available groups.
    • The provided ZAO V2.1.1 installation script requires the “Bourne Shell” (bash) be available on the target system. To verify, enter the below command: $ echo $SHELL

      If “bash” is returned, you are running with the correct shell. If not, enter"bash" at the command prompt. IF you receive an error, contact your system administrator to have "bash" installed on your host sytem.

    • Ensure your login session is in the used unzip directory. If not, please change to that directory now. It is recommended you start the ‘’ script from the unzip target folder.
    • The installation process requires approximately the following available DASD space :
      • 600MB – For the unzipped installation package files
      • 268MB - for the ZAO UI docker container
      • 223MB - for the ZAO importer docker container
      • 643MB - for the (optional) ZAO API service docker container image
      • 378MB – for the (optional) ZAO API sample demonstration docker container image

What to do next

Permanent docker volume space consumption used for repository databases depends upon the amount of z/OS asset and usage data imported.

For small to average system asset and usage data, DASD requirement planning should include a range from 8-12 GB of available storage. Increasing as usage data collection is imported.

Linux on Z system recommended RAM sizes are in the 4-6 GB range. Though swap rates should be monitored during ZAO data import processing if import processing performance becomes an issue.