Trace information

By adding an HFZTRACE DDname to your job, Z Abend Investigator can provide you with trace information that might help you understand why a particular fault is, or is not, being considered a "normal" duplicate of another fault during real-time analysis. For example:

(See HFZTRACE under CICS for an alternative method of activating this trace under CICS®.)

Note: Only NoDup(NORMAL) trace information is available, not NoDup(CICSFAST).
The trace information is written to the HFZTRACE DDname destination. An example of a NoDup option-processing trace follows:
Figure 1. Sample NoDup option-processing trace
NoDup(NORMAL(24)) option processing match values:
  Abend Code . . . . . . . . . : S0C7
  CICS Transaction ID. . . . . : n/a
  Module Name. . . . . . . . . : HFZSCBL1
  CSECT Name . . . . . . . . . : HFZSCBL1
  Offset . . . . . . . . . . . : X'3D4'
  Module Link-Edit Date. . . . : 2002/05/06
  Module Link-Edit Time. . . . : 15:56:35
Fault ID F00615 module link-edit time 15:55:09 did not match
No duplicate fault exists
Information about the reason for not matching (as for fault ID F00615 in the above example) is only provided for fault entries that are within the time interval in effect for the NoDup option, and if either of the following is true:
  • The link-edit date did not match
  • The link-edit time did not match
  • The offset did not match