
Figure 1. Syntax


The AdditionalHFZOffDD option can be used to provide an extra DDname, which is equivalent to the normal Z Abend Investigator HFZOFF DDname (for details, see Turning off Z Abend Investigator with a JCL switch (HFZOFF)). If specified, any job with ddname allocated does not invoke Z Abend Investigator for real-time abend processing.

This option is read by the Z Abend Investigator HFZS subsystem, and the setting made available to abending regions via cross memory access. Changes to the AdditionalHFZOffDD option take effect only after stopping and restarting the Z Abend Investigator HFZS subsystem (for details, see Using the Z Abend Investigator HFZS subsystem).

This option is not included in the section of the fault analysis report that shows options in effect.