SENDMAIL – Send an email via z/OS SMTP

Use SENDMAIL to send a simple email to a single named recipient. The command relies upon SMTP having already been set up within the z/OS system on which the job runs. Workload Automation Programming Language requires that an email has both a subject and text.

SENDMAIL    [FROM(<address>)] [SERVER(<server>)] SUBJECT(<text>) 
              [TEXTDD(<ddname>)] TO(<addresses>) [CC(<addresses>)]
            [TXT(line of text)]
            [TXT(line of text)]            
Note: To enable Workload Automation Programming Language to send emails, the EQQSMTP DD statement must be added either to the Workload Automation Programming Language procedure being used, or the executing JCL of the step. The DD statement needs to contain a SYSOUT class pointing to the correct class and writer for SMTP email via z/OS. The name of the SMTP DD statement can be set by OPTIONS MAILSMTP.
The following keywords are available:
Allows the email sender's address to be specified. If no domain is specified the SERVER domain is appended to the address. If FROM is not specified the OPTIONS value for MAILFROM will be used. If no FROM address is provided either by the FROM keyword or OPTIONS MAILFROM the command will fail.
Provides the domain name to be used as part of the HELLO handshake with the mail server. If the SERVER keyword is not specified the OPTIONS value for MAILSERV will be used. If no SERVER is provided either by the SERVER keyword or OPTIONS MAILSERV the command will fail.
Specifies the subject line of the email.
Refers to a DD statement in the JCL from which the text of the email will be read. The DD statement must refer to either a sequential file or an individual member within a partitioned dataset or library. The value of the TEXTDD keyword will default to EQQEMAIL if not specified. The default value can be altered by OPTIONS MAILDD.
Specifies the primary recipients of the email. If no domain is specified the SERVER domain is appended to the address.
Specifies the copy list of recipients.
Specifies the blind copy list of recipients.
Specifies an individual line of text for the email. Multiple TXT keywords can be coded.
The following example shows a SENDMAIL command:
         CC(, BCC(dean) :IFCMD(LISTSTAT.EQ.4)
TXT(Here is the text in the main command stream) 
TXT(you can have as many TXT statements as you like) 
TXT(and they can have variables like JOBNAME=!OJOBNAME.)