Process control

The job you want to update. You can then use the JOBN keyword to change it.

This is an ARG mode keyword.

Specifies the workstation where the job you want to update must be defined. You can then use the WSID keyword to change it.

This is an ARG mode keyword.

Restricts the search to the applications with status A or P. Though the @ADSTAT keyword is specified only in the argument, it also applies to all jobs included for searching within the CSVFILE.
Restricts the search to the applications that are valid on the specified date. Though the @VALID keyword is specified only in the argument, it also applies to all jobs included for searching within the CSVFILE.
Restricts the search to the applications by the Valid-From date. Though the @VALFROM keyword is specified only in the argument, it also applies to all jobs included for searching within the CSVFILE.
Restricts the search to the applications by the Valid-To date. Though the @VALTO keyword is specified only in the argument, it also applies to all jobs included for searching within the CSVFILE.
Defines which columns of the CSV file relate to details within an operation. The MAP can be either the number of the row in the CSV file that contains the field name for each column in the relevant column, or a sequence of comma separated field names.
You can specify the following field names:
The field that specifies the job name to identify the operation to update. There must be a column mapped to @JOBN. You can use JOBN without the at sign (@) to map to a new job name to update the selected row to.
The field that specifies the workstation where the job to be updated must already exist (optional). You can use WSID without the at sign (@) to map to a new workstation name to update the selected row to.
<loader argument>
You can use any valid Batch Loader argument for the ADOP statement as a mapping field, except PREOPNO, PREJOBN, and PREWSID. For more details about ADOP, see HCL Workload Automation for Z: Managing the Workload.
A period (.) is used as a placeholder for columns that do not contain information pertinent to the creation of the Application.

For example, specify MAP(.,@JOBN,HIGHRC,WSID,FORM,.,DURATION) to have the Job name in column 2, highest return code in column 3, workstation in column 4, form number in column 5, and duration in column 7.

Specify MAP(1) to point to row 1 of the CSV file; each cell in this row will contain the name of the field represented by that column.

This is a MAP mode keyword.

Specifies the number of rows to skip at the beginning of the file before starting processing, to account for header rows in spreadsheets that are used to generate the CSV files. For example, SKIP(3) skips 3 rows and starts processing with row 4.

If you are using a MAP row within the CSV file, you must use the SKIP keyword to avoid that row.

This is a MAP mode keyword.

PRED(job job)
Contains list of job names, separated by a space, to make as a predecessor to the job. If the job is found inside the same application as the @JOBN job, only an internal predecessor is made, regardless of whether the job is found in more applications.

If the predecessor needs to be restricted to a job on a particular workstation, use the format job/workstation to specify each predecessor. The Status and Validity of the application are restricted to the same as the job to which the predecessor is being added.

For example, PRED(ABC123 XYZ789) makes any instance of these jobs predecessors.

PRED(DEF456/C* GHI321) makes only instances of job DEF456 on a workstation beginning with C a predecessor, but all instances of job GHI321.

Note: When specified in the ARGS symbolic, this is an ARG mode keyword but the same keyword can be mapped as a column to apply to individual CSV file records.
Determines whether EQQWXJBU applies the updates automatically:
The updates are applied to the database.
The Batch Loader is written to the OUTBL DD statement and not processed (default).
The Batch Loader is run against HCL Workload Automation for Z in SCAN mode to validate the syntax, but performs no updates.

This keyword works for both MAP and ARG mode.

<loader argument>
Any valid Batch Loader argument for the ADOP statement can be used as a updating field, except PREOPNO, PREJOBN, and PREWSID. For more details about ADOP, see HCL Workload Automation for Z: Managing the Workload.

These are ARG mode keywords.