Other TSO commands

You can also run a small subset of TSO commands, including IDCAMS commands, directly from the Workload Automation Programming Language command stream.

The following commands are available:
IDCAMS DEFINE statement.
IDCAMS DELETE statement. Note that there is also a PIF DELETE command accessible to Workload Automation Programming Language. If the first word of the command is a known HCL Workload Automation for Z record or segment, the delete command is directed to HCL Workload Automation for Z, otherwise it is considered to be an IDCAMS DELETE command. To ensure that you are issuing an IDCAMS DELETE, the first word can be quoted fully qualified. Even if the fully qualified data set matches an HCL Workload Automation for Z record or segment name, the quotes will ensure the IDCAMS DELETE is used.
IDCAMS REPRO statement.

Depending on the TSO PROFILE PREFIX setting for the user running the job, any data set names in TSO commands can be prefixed with the user ID. To avoid prefixing, you can specify data set names within single quotes.