INSERT CPOC – Current Plan Occurrence

Table 1. INSERT CPOC – Current Plan Occurrence
Argument Name Description
ADID Application description ID as stored in the database
ALIAS Application description ID to use on the Current Plan
DEADLINE Deadline date and time YYMMDDHHMM
DESC Descriptive text
ERRCODE Error code
GROUP Authority group
GROUPDEF Group definition ID
IA Input arrival date and time YYMMDDHHMM
JCLVTAB JCL variable table
ODESC Descriptive text of owner
  1. A DEADLINE argument is accepted also when no IA argument is specified. If the IA selected by HCL Workload Automation for Z is later than the DEADLINE argument value, the argument value is ignored. The default, IA plus 8 hours, is used.
  2. If you specify 24.00 as the IA time, it is converted to 00.00 of the following day. Valid input arrival times are from 00.00 to 23.59.
  3. If you specify 00.00 as deadline, it is converted to 24.00 of the previous day. Valid deadline times are from 00.01 to 24.00.
  4. If you use ALIAS, unique occurrences could be created in the plan; but if another application with the same name exists, this is never run and the JCL for these occurrences remains in the JS file indefinitely. Consider using the HCL Workload Automation for Z sample EQQPIFJX to maintain the JCL repository.