Specifying system automation information

For operations running on Automation workstations, you must specify at least the command text to be run by System Automation for z/OS®. All the other system automation information is optional.

Figure 1. EQQAMAIP - Modifying automation info in the application

Input Arrival          : 
Operation              : SAWS 001
Jobname                : 

Enter/change data below:

Command Text:

Automated Function:                  Security Element:
 ___________                          ___________

Completion Info:

Command ===>  
Command Text
Text of the command to be routed to System Automation. It is free format and you can specify HCL Workload Automation for Z variables, which are replaced before the command is passed to System Automation for z/OS®. If an error occurs during this phase, the operation is set to E with code OJCV. No syntax checking on text content is performed on the HCL Workload Automation for Z side. You can specify a System Automation command, NetView® command, or z/OS® system command (it must be issued within a NetView® PIPE command), or any user-defined command (such as, for example, CLIST or REXX exec).
Completion Info
Completion information. You can optionally specify the following information, in the following order, separated by a comma:
  • Maximum wait time, in NetView® notation (for example, hh:mm:ss). If specified, System Automation for z/OS® waits for the completion of the command for the specified time interval. If the command does not complete, System Automation for z/OS® posts the operation in error. For INGREQ and INGMOVE commands the following rules apply:
    • The command is considered complete when the specified resource has reached or is already in the requested state.
    • If more than one resource is specified in the INGREQ or INGMOVE command, all resources must be in the requested state before the command is considered complete.
    Note: Starting from System Automation V4.3, you can prefix the maximum wait time with the letter I (Immediate), for example I10:00:30, to indicate that the user-supplied checking routine is to be invoked immediately after the command has been processed.
  • Maximum return code accepted as successful execution.
  • Name of an optional user-supplied completion checking routine. The completion checking routine ensures that the command achieved the expected results, before posting the operation as complete.
Automated Function
Automated function (for operation). This parameter is optional. If specified, the command is run on the NetView® task associated with this automated function in System Automation for z/OS®. You can use this parameter to serialize commands. If this parameter is not specified, the command is run by any of the local NetView® tasks available.
Security Element
Security element. It is an optional parameter used for security tracking of the operation. You can use it in alternative to or in conjunction with the job name, for security validation of the operation on the System Automation side.

For additional details about how to set and use these parameters, see HCL Workload Automation Automation Reference and Operator's Guide.