Restart and cleanup of operations

You can specify the cleanup action to be taken on computer workstations for operations running on z/OS®. Also, you can specify if HCL Workload Automation for Z will use the JCL extracted from the JESJCL sysout. If necessary, you can specify if user sysout support is needed (EQQAMRCL - Restart and cleanup of operation details ).
Figure 1. EQQAMRCL - Restart and cleanup of operation details
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Enter/Change data below:                                                       
 Application            : PAYDAILY    daily payroll jobs             
 Operation              : CPU1 020                                              
 Job name               : PAYDAILY                                               
 Clean Up Type      ===> N    Clean up Type (A/I/M/N)                           
 Expanded JCL       ===> N    Use expanded JCL for Restart (Y/N)                
 User Sysout        ===> N    Log user sysout too (Y/N)
The cleanup type can be set to one of the following values:
Automatic. When the operation is ready to be submitted and the controller selects it for submissions, the controller automatically finds the cleanup actions to be taken and also inserts them as the first step in the JCL of the restarted job. Whenever the operation is started from the panels, the cleanup actions are shown to the user for confirmation, only if the CLEANUP CHECK option was set to YES through the DEFINING PARAMETERS AND OPTIONS panel.
Immediate. data set cleanup is immediately performed if the operation ends in error. The operation is treated as if it had the automatic option when it is rerun.
Manual. data set cleanup actions are deferred for the operation. They are performed when initiated manually from the panel.
None. No data set cleanup actions are performed.
These options apply to expanded JCL:
Use the fully expanded JCL.
Use the JCL contained in the libraries of HCL Workload Automation for Z.
These options apply to user sysout support:
Data store logs user sysout.
Data store does not log user sysout.

For more information, see Planning for recovery and restart and Restart and cleanup.