Step 1. Set up destinations

An existing HTTP or HTTPS destination to communicate with the remote engine is a prerequisite:
  • When you want to define a remote engine workstation to send bind requests to the remote engine referenced in the destination. The name of the destination must be specified in the remote engine workstation definition, as the DESTINATION field.
  • When you expect to receive incoming bind requests from the remote engine referenced in the destination.

Depending on whether the remote engine communicates using a secure or non-secure HTTP protocol, you define the destination using either ROUTOPTS HTTPS or ROUTOPTS HTTP.

The ROUTOPTS statement is defined in the member of the EQQPARM library that is specified by the PARM parameter in the JCL EXEC statement of the controller. The syntax for defining an HTTP or HTTPS destination is the following:
ROUTOPTS HTTP|HTTPS(dest name:'IP address or hostname'/port/remote engine type)
dest name
Name of the destination, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
IP address or hostname
Fully qualified IP address or hostname used to communicate with the remote engine. For more information about how to set this value, see How to get the correct values to specify in the destination.
Port number used to communicate with the remote engine. For more information about how to set this value, see How to get the correct values to specify in the destination.
Type of the remote engine:
Distributed remote engine
z/OS remote engine
Destinations for which a remote engine type has been specified are named remote engine destinations.
To ensure connection availability, the remote engine destinations are checked on a timely basis, even if there is no HTTP pending request for that destination. As a best practice, avoid defining unnecessary remote engine destinations, to prevent unnecessary connection checks. If a remote engine destination is unreachable the following occurs:
  • The error message EQQHT15E with a specific TCP/IP error is issued in the MLOG.
  • The remote engine workstation that uses an unreachable destination is set to OFFLINE. The status of the workstation is set to ACTIVE as soon as the connection check to the remote engine succeeds.

For more information about the ROUTOPTS statement, see ROUTOPTS.