Specifying the EVERY options for a run cycle

About this task

To specify how frequently an application must be scheduled, use the EVERY options. To set the EVERY options:
  1. In the RUN CYCLES panel (EQQAMRPL - Run cycles ), enter the S row command next to the run cycle you want.
  2. In the MODIFYING A RULE (EQQRULEP - Modifying a rule ) or RUN DAYS (EQQAMRNL - Run days ) panel, enter the E command to set the EVERY options. You see the EVERY OPTIONS panel, shown in EQQAMREP - Every options .

    You must have specified an input arrival time for the run cycle to be able to configure the EVERY options. You are denied access to the EQQAMREP panel if there is no input arrival time.

    Figure 1. EQQAMREP - Every options
    EQQAMREP --------------––––––– EVERY OPTIONS -------------------------
    Command ===>                                                          
    REPEAT EVERY ===> 00.30         Repeat every HH.MM
    FROM         ===> 21.00         Input Arrival time
    UNTIL        ===> 23.30         Repeat end time in the HH.MM format
  3. In this panel, the FROM field is already set with the input arrival time of the run cycle. Specify the following settings:
    The frequency at which the application is to be scheduled, in the format HH.MM. For example, 00.30 means that the application is run every 30 minutes.
    The end time until which the application is to be scheduled, in the format HH.MM. It must be a value between the IA time of the run cycle and the calendar work day end time of the application.
Attention: Normally, if you use the EVERY option for a run cycle and you specify a deadline, the LTP occurrences generated with the different IA times by the EVERY specifications have different deadlines as well. But when a run cycle in the AD includes a run cycle group and a deadline is not provided in the run cycle definition but only in the run cycle group, all the occurrences generated with the different IA times by the EVERY definition keep the same deadline defined in the run cycle group. If you want the deadline values to match the changes in the IA times that result from the EVERY definition, you must define the deadline for the run cycle in the AD.