Automatic, immediate, and manual cleanup

You can specify the type of cleanup you require from any of the following: To perform the type of cleanup you require, specify either the Automatic, Immediate, or Manual option for each operation. If you require no cleanup, specify None.

Because in some cases EQQCLEAN might delete a data set by mistake, it is recommended that you protect critical data sets from deletion by using either the RCLOPTS parameters (DDPROT, DDPRMEM, DSNPROT, DSNPRMEM) or the EQQUXCAT exit.

Cleanup actions are started either by a pre-defined trigger or from the panels. The controller automatically determines the cleanup actions to be taken and also inserts them as the first step in the JCL of the restarted job. With this option the cleanup will automatically rerun an occurrence when the job is ready and no other conditions keep the job from rerunning.

Note that, whenever the RCLOPTS GDGSIMAUTO keyword has been set, operations having clean up type automatic have the GDG resolution process applied when internally rerun and expanded jcl is not used. For details, see the following sections about GDG simulation process. With internal rerun, we mean all types of rerun not started directly by dialogue. For example, when an operation is rerun because its status is set to ready due to the successful end of its predecessor.

The job is cleaned up as soon as it fails. If a tracked job ends in error, and you have specified Immediate for the operation, the controller checks for data set information in the current plan, according to the following criteria:
If the automatic recovery action is to restart the operation
Checks for data set information starting from the step indicated by the automatic recovery function.
If the automatic recovery action is not to restart the operation
  • If RCLOPTS IMMEDLOGIC(FIRSTSTEP) was specified (this is also the default), checks for data set information starting from the first step up to the last step of the job (included).
  • If RCLOPTS IMMEDLOGIC(BESTSTEP) was specified, from the best step suggested.

If data set information is found, the controller submits a stand-alone cleanup job, otherwise sets the cleanup status to Complete.

Cleanup is controlled manually. If a tracked job ends in error and manual cleanup actions have been defined for the operation, or when a rerun is requested for an operation that specifies Manual, you must initiate the cleanup action from the MODIFYING CURRENT PLAN panel. The panel shows what action the scheduler will take for each of the affected data sets. You can exclude the action for any or all of the data sets, if required. When you initiate the cleanup action, the controller submits a standalone cleanup job. In each case, actions for data sets belonging to flushed steps are not performed. Actions are also not performed for data sets referenced in previous steps that have a disposition of OLD, SHR, or MOD, whenever these steps are included in the new run.

Note that the manual cleanup option has the same effect as the automatic cleanup option, if you run a Fast Step Restart or a Fast Job Restart function. In fact, in these cases, you run the Step Restart or the Job Restart process with a unique command, and you are not allowed to change by panel the actions that the scheduler will take for each of the affected data sets.