Restarting an operation at step or job level

This section explains how to restart an operation associated to jobs and started tasks. It also explains how to select the steps that will be included in the restarted job.

To perform a new rerun of a job, including the needed cleanup actions at job run time, select the JOB RESTART option.

To perform a step restart, including the necessary cleanup actions at job run time, select the STEP RESTART option. From this step on, the operation statuses are automatically changed to waiting. This option differs from JOB RESTART in that:
  • The restartability of steps is checked according to information available from previous runs (see Steps that are not restartable for details).
  • Return code simulation is executed to restart from a specific step, that is, HCL Workload Automation for Z simulates how the preceding steps actually ended. The simulation works in this way:
    • Ending the steps with RC=nn, where nn is the return code obtained in their last effective run.
    • Flushing the steps, if they were never run or abended.
    You can override the suggested values in the panel and force a different simulation. The reason for running a step restart in this way is to support the IF/THEN/ELSE statements.
  • If needed, GDG resolution is executed when normal JCL is used (when expanded JCL is used the GDG resolution is already applied to the JCL, see GDG resolution for details)
With both JOB RESTART and STEP RESTART option, two types of JCL can be used for job rerun:
  • Expanded JCL
  • Normal JCL

See JCL used for restart for details.