OSLC - Integration information

   Name : DCLOSLC

   This segment declares options and parameter values used for the integration with OSLC software.

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 128 oslcopts OSLC integration information
0 (0) CHARACTER 4 oslceye eye catcher 'OSLC'
4 (4) CHARACTER 2 oslccver version
6 (6) CHARACTER 1 oslcpolicy policy A | M | C
7 (7) CHARACTER 1 oslcssl use SSL for the ticket Y | N
8 (8) CHARACTER 1 oslcusrf use user fields for template
9 (9) CHARACTER 1 * reserved
10 (A) SIGNED 2 oslcprio priority
12 (C) ADDRESS 4 oslcurip ptr to URI
16 (10) SIGNED 4 oslcuril URI length
20 (14) ADDRESS 4 oslcusrp ptr to user
24 (18) SIGNED 4 oslcusrl user length
28 (1C) ADDRESS 4 oslcpwdp ptr to password
32 (20) SIGNED 4 oslcpwdl pwd length
36 (24) CHARACTER 56 oslchost hostname from URI
92 (5C) SIGNED 4 oslcport port from URI
96 (60) ADDRESS 4 oslcdescp ptr to user description
100 (64) SIGNED 4 oslcdescl user description length
104 (68) ADDRESS 4 oslcturip ptr to DWC URI
108 (6C) SIGNED 4 oslcturil DWC URI length
112 (70) CHARACTER 16 * reserved