MT0 - MCP Tracking information entry

Name: DCLMT0

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 41 mt0 mcp track entry
0 (0) CHARACTER 4 mt0eye eye catcher
4 (4) CHARACTER 2 mt0ver version
6 (6) BITSTRING 1 mt0flgs flag bits
 1...  ....
mt0chk 1=check request
 .1..  ....
mt0error 1=error is detected
 ..1.  ....
mt0drlst 1=use last occ in cp for dep resolution
 ...1  ....
mt0drlat 1=use latest occ prec added occ for dep res
 ....  1...
mt0continued another mt0 follows
 ....  .1..
mt0aerr accept error
 ....  ..1.
mt0pifad pif supplied ad
 ....  ...1
mt0fopd faked op dates
7 (7) CHARACTER 1 mt0type type of change
8 (8) CHARACTER 1 mt0caller function calling mcp a-ar,e-ett,p-pif
9 (9) BITSTRING 1 mt0flags additional flags
 1...  ....
mt0turnov 1=turnover in progress
 .1..  ....
mt0restart 1=cp restart in progress
 ..1.  ....
mt0autodep 1=add ext dependencies
 ...1  ....
mt0resolve 1=deps must be resolved
 ....  1...
mt0cmrer 1=potential cm before oper is rerun
 ....  .1..
mt0ignore Ignore this MT0
 ....  ..1.
mt0gr_add This MT0 is part of a group add trnx
 ....  ...1
mt0notlt 1=Dont use LT file
10 (A) CHARACTER 10 mt0cpe current plan end
10 (A) CHARACTER 6 mt0cped date and time
20 (14) CHARACTER 8 mt0msgid msg, if accepted err
20 (14) CHARACTER 8 mt0stmp time stamp of update
20 (14) SIGNED 4 mt0mivloff modify ivl offsett
20 (14) CHARACTER 4 mt0date date of update
24 (18) CHARACTER 4 mt0time time of update
28 (1C) SIGNED 4 mt0lgth length of entire record -------------------------
32 (20) CHARACTER 8 mt0OCCtok MT0 OCC token Used to decide if when adding an OCC the old token must be used '00'x - first add Filled - add due to JT reapply use old token -------------------------
40 (28) BITSTRING 1 mt0flag3 flags
 1...  ....
mt0PSU_Appl 1 = from Apply Logic
 .1..  ....
 ..1.  ....
mt0chstrer change status for rerun
 ...1  ....
mt0CAutoSuc cond succ auto solve
 ....  1...
mt0inGroup on = in a group
 ....  .1..
mt0SJR on = SJR
 ....  ..1.
mt0xRerun on = change occ for rerun
 ....  ...1
* free
41 (29) CHARACTER mt0body body of change
Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
10 (A) STRUCTURE 8 mt0rqsst start building MT0, or 0s
10 (A) CHARACTER 4 mt0rqsstd date
14 (E) CHARACTER 4 mt0rqsstt time

   MT0 Body variable part
   For ws changes

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 8 mt0ws
0 (0) CHARACTER 4 mt0wsn work station name
4 (4) CHARACTER 1 mt0rep new reporting attribute
5 (5) CHARACTER 1 mt0wcf control flags
 1...  ....
mt0wcp control on servers
 .1..  ....
mt0wc1 control on resource 1
 ..1.  ....
mt0wc2 control on resource 2
 ...1  ....
mt0tws Fault-Tolerance ws
 ....  1111
* spare
6 (6) SIGNED 2 mt0wi number of intervals
8 (8) CHARACTER mt0mws ws open intervals see dclivl(ivldata)

   For ws status variation

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 12 mt0vary
0 (0) CHARACTER 4 mt0v_wsn work station name
4 (4) CHARACTER 1 mt0v_stat new ws status
5 (5) BITSTRING 1 mt0v_opt failure options
 1...  ....
mt0v_opt_fleav leave started
 .1..  ....
mt0v_opt_ferr error set
 ..1.  ....
mt0v_opt_frest restart
 ...1  ....
mt0v_opt_rleav leave scheduled
 ....  1...
mt0v_opt_rreru reroute
 ....  .1..
mt0v_opt_rimmd immediately available
 ....  ..11
* reserved
6 (6) CHARACTER 4 mt0v_aws alternate ws name
10 (A) CHARACTER 1 mt0v_link link status
11 (B) BITSTRING 1 mt0v_var status and link vary
 1...  ....
mt0v_var_link link vary
 .1..  ....
mt0v_var_status status vary
 ..11  1111
* reserved

   For WS22 changes

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 16 mt0ws22
0 (0) CHARACTER 4 mt0wsn22 work station name
4 (4) CHARACTER 8 mt0dest22 work station destination
12 (C) CHARACTER 1 mt0rep22 new reporting attribute = not used
13 (D) CHARACTER 1 mt0wcf22 control flags
 1...  ....
mt0wcp22 control on servers
 .1..  ....
mt0wc122 control on resource 1
 ..1.  ....
mt0wc222 control on resource 2
 ...1  ....
mt0tws22 Fault-Tolerance ws
 ....  1111
* spare
14 (E) SIGNED 2 mt0wi22 number of intervals
16 (10) CHARACTER mt0mws22 ws open intervals see dclivl(ivldata)

   For WS22 status variation

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 20 mt0vary22
0 (0) CHARACTER 4 mt0v_wsn22 work station name
4 (4) CHARACTER 8 mt0v_dest22 work station destination
12 (C) CHARACTER 1 mt0v_stat22 new ws status
13 (D) BITSTRING 1 mt0v_opt22 failure options
 1...  ....
mt0v_opt_fleav22 leave started
 .1..  ....
mt0v_opt_ferr22 error set
 ..1.  ....
mt0v_opt_frest22 restart
 ...1  ....
mt0v_opt_rleav22 leave scheduled
 ....  1...
mt0v_opt_rreru22 reroute
 ....  .1..
mt0v_opt_rimmd22 immediately available
 ....  ..11
* reserved
14 (E) CHARACTER 4 mt0v_aws22 alternate ws name
18 (12) CHARACTER 1 mt0v_link22 link status
19 (13) BITSTRING 1 mt0v_var22 status and link vary
 1...  ....
mt0v_var_link22 link vary
 .1..  ....
mt0v_var_stat22 status vary
 ..11  1111
* reserved

   For Occurrence changes adddeletemodify

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 96 mt0occ addchange oper entry
0 (0) CHARACTER 26 mt0key occurrence key
0 (0) CHARACTER 16 mt0aid application name
16 (10) CHARACTER 10 mt0im modified input arrival,
16 (10) CHARACTER 6 mt0imd the new value if to be
22 (16) CHARACTER 4 mt0imt changed in change occ req
26 (1A) CHARACTER 10 mt0ia occurrence identifier ia
26 (1A) CHARACTER 6 mt0iad same as mt0im if not a
32 (20) CHARACTER 4 mt0iat change occurrence request
36 (24) CHARACTER 10 mt0dl occurrence deadline
36 (24) CHARACTER 6 mt0dld deadline date
42 (2A) CHARACTER 4 mt0dlt deadline time
46 (2E) CHARACTER 1 mt0pri priority
47 (2F) CHARACTER 4 mt0err error code
51 (33) BITSTRING 1 mt0ocflg general flag
 1...  ....
mt0imset pif provided IANEW'
 .1..  ....
mt0dlset pif provided DEADLINE
 ..1.  ....
mt0Reas reason block exists
 ....  1...
mt0Toler tolerate
 ....  .1..
mt0chgallmon chg monitoring flag for all operation in occur
 ....  ..1.
mt0mon oper monit flag value if mt0chgallmon=ON
 ....  ...1
mt0GroupM ON if Occ of Group is modified
52 (34) CHARACTER 16 mt0jvt jcl var table name
68 (44) CHARACTER 16 mt0GroupDef Occurrence Group Def
84 (54) BITSTRING 1 mt0ocflg1
 1...  ....
mt0mheld set all the operation = mt0mheldV value
 .1..  ....
mt0mheldV mheld value
 ..11  1111
* free
85 (55) CHARACTER 11 mt0cflg2 free
96 (60) CHARACTER mt0ocd operation details see dclmtd

   For Occurrence RERUN

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 336 mt0rstrt section on restart
0 (0) CHARACTER 8 mt0rsJob job name
8 (8) CHARACTER 4 mt0rsErr error code
12 (C) CHARACTER 16 mt0rsUsr user data field
28 (1C) CHARACTER 300 mt0rsReason reason for rerun
328 (148) CHARACTER 8 mt0rsPanel panel where reason text entered
336 (150) CHARACTER mt0rod operation details

   For Occurrence ADD

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 206 mt0aoc added occurrence info
0 (0) CHARACTER 30 mt0txt application text
30 (1E) CHARACTER 8 mt0grp authority group
38 (26) CHARACTER 16 mt0oid application owner
54 (36) CHARACTER 30 mt0otx owner text
84 (54) CHARACTER 16 mt0cal calendar name
100 (64) CHARACTER 44 mt0ettcrit ETT criteria
144 (90) CHARACTER 1 mt0etttyp ETT type J or R
145 (91) CHARACTER 8 mt0ettjob ETT job name
153 (99) CHARACTER 8 mt0ettjid ETT job id
161 (A1) UNSIGNED 1 mt0ettgrootl ETT gdg root len
162 (A2) CHARACTER 44 mt0ettevnam ETT full event name
206 (CE) CHARACTER mt0aod operation details see dclmtd

   Occurrence Group Process MT0

Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 356 Mt0Group Group Mt0
0 (0) CHARACTER 4 Mt0GroupReq Request type, see constants
4 (4) CHARACTER 16 Mt0GroupId NameReference of this Group
20 (14) CHARACTER 16 Mt0GroupCal Group Calendar
36 (24) CHARACTER 4 Mt0GroupErr Error returned by Group MCP
40 (28) CHARACTER 4 Mt0GroupCause Cause of error set by MC0
44 (2C) CHARACTER 302 Mt0GroupMt0 Global change data & group manner &period..for all OCCs
346 (15A) CHARACTER 2 * free
348 (15C) SIGNED 4 Mt0GroupNum Number of Occs in list
352 (160) BITSTRING 4 Mt0GroupFlag Processing flags - group Mt0
 1...  ....
Mt0GroupF_Init on LogAhead record for group
 .1..  ....
Mt0GroupF_Wait on Wait for completion req
 ..1.  ....
Mt0GroupF_Comp on This is a completion req
 ...1  ....
Mt0GroupF_Err on Updates failed
 ....  1...
Mt0GroupF_Mt0 on Induced Mt0s follows
 ....  .1..
Mt0GroupF_ADDc on CANCELLED compl ADD
 ....  ..1.
Mt0GroupF_ADDd on DELETE in compl ADD
 ....  ...1
Mt0GroupF_OPCt on OPC terminated conversat
353 (161)
 1...  ....
MT0GroupF_RDH on Some reldelHold failed
 .1..  ....
Mt0GroupF_Dep on Resol deps grp inter - global data changes flags
 ..1.  ....
Mt0GroupFC_Group on change Group Def id globa
 ...1  ....
Mt0GroupFC_IA on change IA glabally
 ....  1...
Mt0GroupFC_DL on change DeadLine global
 ....  .1..
Mt0GroupFC_Pri on Change priority global
 ....  ..1.
Mt0GroupFC_Err on Change error code globbb
 ....  ...1
Mt0GroupFC_JVT on Change JCL Var tab glob
354 (162)
 1...  ....
* reserved
 .1..  ....
* reserved
 ..1.  ....
* reserved
 ...1  ....
* reserved
 ....  1...
* reserved
356 (164) CHARACTER Mt0GroupEnd End of header
Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
0 (0) STRUCTURE 28 Mt0GroupList (*) List of Occ's subject to Mt0 based on end of header
0 (0) CHARACTER 16 Mt0GroupOcc Occurrence AD name
16 (10) CHARACTER 10 Mt0GroupIa IA of group OCC
16 (10) CHARACTER 6 Mt0GroupIaDate Input Arrival date
22 (16) CHARACTER 4 Mt0GroupIaTime &period..time
26 (1A) CHARACTER 1 * Reserved
27 (1B) BITSTRING 1 Mt0GroupOccFlg Processing indicators
 1...  ....
Mt0GroupOcc_Bad On This OCC causes error
 .1..  ....
Mt0GroupOcc_Mt0 On Specific dialog MT0 follo
 ..1.  ....
Mt0GroupOcc_Mov On OCC modified vs ADD Mt0
 ...1  ....
Mt0GroupOcc_Del On OCC is del d vs ADD Mt0
 ....  1...
Mt0GroupOcc_Dep On: OCC dep. ignored
 ....  .1..
Mt0GroupOcc_Unr On: OCC dep unresolved