The data area map

The data area is described field by field. These field descriptions are taken directly from the system code.

For each field in the data area, the table provides the following information:
The address of the field, shown in both decimal and hexadecimal (hexadecimal address in parentheses), relative to the beginning of the data area.
The kind of program data defined for this field, such as CHARACTER, SIGNED, UNSIGNED.
Size of the field in bytes (decimal).
The name of the field, bit, or mask.
Bit or mask names are preceded by a description of the bit position and values, as follows:
 1...  ....  Refers to bit 0.
 ....  ..11  Refers to bits 6 and 7.
 ...1  ....  Refers to bit 3.
 11..  1111  Refers to bits 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
A description of the purpose or meaning of the field, bit, or mask.