Selecting the working plan

How to list all the plans that are available on a specific engine.

From the Manage Available Plans, you can specify some filtering criteria to retrieve a list of plans. You can also generate a trial plan or a forecast plan.

Follow these steps to define a filter and run a query to create a list of available plans:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, click Planning > Workload Forecast > Manage Available Plans.
  2. In the Manage Available Plans panel:
    1. Under Select an Engine, select the engine from which you want retrieve the list of plans.
    2. Under Select Plan Type, click the corresponding check box to select the type of plan you want to list. Selections are mutually exclusive. By default, all available plans are listed.
    3. Under Select Plan Name, specify the name of the file containing the plan you want to search. You can use wildcard characters.
    4. Click Display Plans List to generate a list of plans.
Clicking on Display Plans List, you can see a table containing the list of plans you are searching for.

On top of the table that lists the available plans, you can see the engine connection you are using together with the default and active plan.

The list of available plans shows the following set of information for each plan:
The type of the plan. Possible settings are:
Current plan that is in process in the HCL Workload Automation environment.
Temporary files containing the information about the next production period based on the job and job stream dependencies defined in the HCL Workload Automation database.
Forecast plan. It contains a projection over a selected time interval of the current production plan based on the job and job stream dependencies defined in the HCL Workload Automation database.
Trial plans. It contains a projection of the current plan for a different period.
Archived plan. It is a copy of an old production plan that ran in the HCL Workload Automation environment and that is now stored in the database.
File Name
The name of the file containing the plan.
Plan Start
The date and time when the plan starts.
Plan End
The date and time when the plan ends.
Schedule Date
The date when the plan was created.
Earliest Start
The actual date and time the plan began running. This column is blank for trial and forecast plans.
Last Updated
The time that the plan file was last updated.
Run Number
The run number associated to the plan. The run number is the total number of times the plan was generated. This number is zero for trial and forecast plans.
The size of the file that contains the plan, in records.

From the header of the table, you can also generate a trial plan or a forecast plan. For further information about the creation of these two plans, see Generating Trial and Forecast Plans.