Limit the number of objects retrieved by queries

Use this section to configure: the number of results displayed for Monitor tasks, the maximum number of rows to display on each page, and the number of direct queries to maintain in history.

If you want to limit the number of results produced by your queries, you can specify the maximum number of items that must be retrieved using the monitorMaxObjectsPM property. The minimum number of retrieved results is 500.
Note: monitorMaxObjectsPM property only limits the number of results for archived plans queries. The property does not affect current plan queries.

The default value is -1; any value lower than 0 means that there is no limit in the number of objects retrieved.

Because data is extracted in blocks of 250 rows, the value you enter is adjusted to complete an entire block. For example, if you specify a limit of 500, only 500 elements are retrieved, while if you specify a limit of 600, 750 elements are retrieved.

For Multiple engine tasks, this limit is applied to each engine included in the query. Therefore, if you specify a limit of 500 results and, for example, you run a Monitor jobs on multiple engine task on three engines, the results produced by your query will be no more than 500 for each engine, for a maximum of 1500 rows.

Note: This setting does not apply to Monitor critical jobs tasks.

To set the maximum number of rows to display in a table view, configure the maxRowsToDisplay property.

To set the maximum number of direct queries to maintain in history, configure the maxHistoryCount property. These queries are available from the pull-down for the Query field on the Monitor Workload page.

<?xml version"1.0"?>
    <property name="monitorMaxObjectsPM" value="2000"></property>

  <ph rev="v92"><monitor>
    <property name="maxRowsToDisplay" value="25"></property>

    <property name="maxHistoryCount" value="100"></property>

                  <property name="search_max_limit" value="1500"></property>
See TdwcGlobalSettings.xml sample to view the complete syntax for the file.

For more information about how to customize global settings, see Customizing your global settings.