
Deletes folders defined in the HCL Workload Automation database. The folder and any sub-folders are deleted provided they do not contain any scheduling objects.


To delete a folder, you must have delete access to the folder.


{rmfolder | rf} foldername


If a foldername is not specified, then by default the command deletes all folders and sub-folders in the root. If a foldername follows, then deletes the specified folder and its sub-folders. A folder is deleted provided that the folder and its sub-folders do not contain scheduling objects, otherwise, an error message is returned.

To delete all folders in an entire tree structure, specify the ampersand character ("@").


To be removed, the folder must be unlocked or locked by the user who issues the rmfolder command.

You can perform this same operation using the delete composer command.


To delete the folder named "Test" located in the root, run:
rmfolder /Test
rmfolder Test
In this case, by default, the command checks for the folder in the root.

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same tasks as described in:

the Dynamic Workload Console User's Guide.