
Deletes object definitions in the database.

If the scheduling object is stored in a folder, the command is performed on the folder where the scheduling object definition is stored. If folder is omitted, the default folder ("/") is used.


To delete scheduling objects, you must have delete access to the objects being deleted.

To delete security objects, you must have permission for the modify action on the object type file with attribute name=security.


{delete | de}
{[calendars | calendar | cal=[folder/]calname] |
[domain | dom]=domainame] |
[eventrule | erule | er=[folder/]eventrulename] |
[folder | fol=foldername] |
[parms | parm | vb=[[folder/]tablename.]variablename] |
[prompts | prom=[folder/]promptname] |
[resources | resource | res=[[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]resourcename] |
[runcyclegroup | rcg=[folder/]runcyclegroupname] |
[vartable | vt=[folder/]tablename] |
[cpu={[folder/]workstationame [;force] | [folder/]workstationclassname [;force]| domainame}]
[workstation | ws=[folder/]workstationame] [;force] |
[workstationclass | wscl]=[folder/]workstationclassname [;force] |
[jobs | jobdefinition | jd]=[[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]jobname |
[sched | jobstream | js]= [[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]jstreamname
[valid from date|valid to date |valid in date date]
] |
[users | user=[[folder/]workstationame#]username] |
[accesscontrollist | acl for securitydomainname] |
[securitydomain | sdom=securitydomainname] |
[securityrole | srol=securityrolename]


calendars | calendar | cal
If no argument follows, deletes all calendar definitions.

If argument [folder/]calname follows, deletes the specified calendar. Wildcard characters are permitted.

domain | dom
If argument domainname follows, deletes the specified domain. Wildcard characters are permitted.
eventrule | erule | er
If no argument follows, deletes all event rule definitions.

If argument [folder/]eventrulename follows, deletes the specified event rule. Wildcard characters are permitted.

If no argument follows, an error is returned.

If argument foldername follows, deletes the specified folder and its sub-folders. Wildcard characters are permitted. The command is performed provided the folder does not contain any scheduling objects, neither in the sub-folders, otherwise an error message is returned.

You can also delete a folder using the dedicated composer command rmfolder.

If no argument follows, deletes all global variable definitions found in the default variable table.
If argument [folder/]tablename.variablename follows, deletes the variablename variable of the tablename table. If [folder/]tablename is omitted, composer looks for the variable definition in the default variable table. Wildcard characters are permitted on both [folder/]tablename and variablename. For example:
delete parms=@.@
Deletes all variables from all tables.
delete parms=@
Deletes all variables from the default table.
delete parms=@.acct@
Deletes all the variables whose name starts with acct from all the existing tables.
Remember: While you delete a variable, the variable table that contains it is locked. This implies that, while the table is locked, no other user can run any other locking commands on it or on the variables it contains.
prompts | prom
If no argument follows, deletes all prompt definitions.

If argument [folder/]promptname follows, deletes the specified prompt. Wildcard characters are permitted.

resources | resource | res
If no argument follows, deletes all resource definitions.

If argument [folder/]workstationame#[folder/]resourcename follows, deletes the [folder/]resourcename resource of the [folder/]workstationame workstation on which the resource is defined. If [folder/]workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted.

runcyclegroup | rcg
If no argument follows, deletes all run cycle group definitions.

If argument [folder/]runcyclegroupname follows, deletes the specified run cycle group. Wildcard characters are permitted.

vartable | vt
If no argument follows, deletes all variable table definitions.

If argument [folder/]tablename variable table follows, deletes the specified variable table. Wildcard characters are permitted.

If no argument follows, deletes all workload application template definitions.

If argument [folder/]workloadapplicationtemplate follows, deletes the specified workload application template. Wildcard characters are permitted.

Deletes workstations, workstation classes, or domains.
The name of the workstation. Wildcard characters are permitted. If you specify the force argument, the workstation definition is removed from the HCL Workload Automation database.
The name of the workstation class. Wildcard characters are permitted. If you specify the force argument, the workstationclass definition is removed from the HCL Workload Automation database.
The name of the domain. Wildcard characters are permitted.
workstation | ws
If argument workstationname follows, deletes the specified workstation. Wildcard characters are permitted. If you specify the force argument, the workstation definition is removed from the HCL Workload Automation database.
workstationclass | wscl
If argument workstationclassname follows, deletes the specified workstation class. Wildcard characters are permitted. If you specify the force argument, the workstation class definition is removed from the HCL Workload Automation database.
jobs | jobdefinition | jd
If argument [folder/]workstationame#[folder/]jobname follows, deletes the [folder/]jobname job stored on the [folder/]workstationame workstation on which the job runs. If [folder/]workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted.
sched | jobstream | js
If argument [folder/]workstationame#[folder/]jstreamname follows, deletes the [folder/]jstreamname job stream on the [folder/]workstationame workstation on which the job stream is defined. If [folder/]workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted.
valid from
date Restricts the selection to job streams that have a valid from date equal to the indicated value. The format is mm/dd/yyyy.
valid to
date Restricts the selection to job streams that have a valid to date equal to the indicated value. The format is mm/dd/yyyy.
valid in
date date The time frame during which the job stream can run. The format is mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy. One of the two dates can be represented by @.
users | user
If argument [folder/]workstationame#username follows, deletes the username user of the [folder/]workstationame workstation on which the user is defined. If [folder/]workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted. The password field is not copied for security reasons.
accesscontrollist | acl
If no securitydomainname argument follows, delete access control list definitions for all the security domains.

If argument securitydomainname follows, delete the access control list definitions for the securitydomainname security domain. Wildcard characters are permitted for securitydomainname.

securitydomain | sdom
If no securitydomainname argument follows, delete all the security domains definitions.

If argument securitydomainname follows, delete the securitydomainname security domain definition. Wildcard characters are permitted.

securityrole | srol
If no securityrolename argument follows, delete all the security roles definitions.

If argument securityrolename follows, delete the securityrolename security role definition. Wildcard characters are permitted.

Specifies not to prompt for confirmation before taking action on each qualifying object.


If you use wildcard characters to specify a set of definitions, composer requires confirmation before deleting each matching definition. A confirmation is required before deleting each matching definition if you do not specify the noask option.

To delete an object, it must not be locked. If some matching objects are locked during the command processing, an error message with the list of these objects is shown to the user.

Deleting a dynamic agent stored in a folder from the database might lead to inconsistent behavior. To work around this problem, run JnextPlan after deleting an agent.


To delete job3 stored in the myfolder folder that is launched on workstation site3 stored in the test folder, run the following command:
delete jobs=test/site3#myfolder/job3
To delete all workstations with names starting with ux, run the following command:
de cpu=ux@
To delete all job streams stored in the folder path test/redfolder on all workstations, run the following command:
de sched=@#test/redfolder/@
To delete all the event rules named from rulejs320 to rulejs329, run the following command:
de erule=rulejs32?

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same tasks as described in:

the Dynamic Workload Console User's Guide.