Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Console adapter

About this task

This section describes how to enable Tivoli Enterprise Console® to receive HCL Workload Automation events.

The Tivoli Enterprise Console logfile adapter is used to relay events from the workstations in the scheduling environment to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server. Depending on the workstation in your scheduling environment where you decide to install and configure the Tivoli Enterprise Console logfile adapter, you can have different events displayed in the event console.

When you have installed the Tivoli Enterprise Console logfile adapter on a workstation, a set of configuration steps must be performed to enable that adapter to manage the job scheduling events. For information about how to install the Tivoli Enterprise Console logfile adapter, refer to the IBM® Tivoli Enterprise Console® Installation Guide.

Use the config_teclogadapter script to configure the Tivoli Enterprise Console adapter installed on the HCL Workload Automation system that you want to monitor. Perform the following steps:
  1. Set the environment variables for the Tivoli® endpoint by running the lcf_env script.
  2. Run the config_teclogadapter script to configure the adapter. For example:
    config_teclogadapter [-tme] PATH [Adapter ID] [TWS Installation Path]
    The Tivoli Enterprise Console adapter is a TME adapter.
    Specify the Tivoli Enterprise Console adapter directory when you did not specify the -tme option. Otherwise it is the endpoint directory.
    Adapter ID
    Specify the Tivoli Enterprise Console Adapter identifier (only for Tivoli Enterprise Console 3.9 and later). If you do not specify an ID, it is ignored.
    TWS Installation Path
    Specify the path where the HCL Workload Automation you want to monitor is installed.
The script performs the following configuration steps:
  1. If no HCL Workload Automation installation path was specified, it uses the home directory where it is installed.
  2. Copies the config/BmEvents.conf into the home directory if it does not already exist.
  3. Configures the config/BmEvents.conf adding the list of events if not already specified and defines the event.log file as an event output.
  4. Configures the configuration file of the Tivoli Enterprise Console adapter to read from the event.log file.
  5. Appends the maestro.fmt file to the format file of the Tivoli Enterprise Console adapter and rigenerate the cds file.
  6. Restarts the Tivoli Enterprise Console adapter.

After you run the script, perform a conman stop and conman start to apply the changes.