Job scheduling events format

The integration between HCL Workload Automation and Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) provides the means to identify and manage a set of predefined job scheduling events. These are the events that are managed using the Tivoli Enterprise Console logfile adapter installed on the scheduling workstations. These events are listed in the following table together with the values of their positional fields. These positional fields are the ones used by the FMT files to define the event structure which, once filled up with the information stored for that specific event number in the log file, is sent by the Tivoli Enterprise Console logfile adapter to the TEC event server.

Note that since Tivoli Enterprise Console handles blank (white) spaces as delimiters, if the HCL Workload Automation events include prompts (like the one generated as CarryForward prompt), the prompts might be split in different fields in the event itself.

For additional information, refer to Job scheduling events.

Table 1. Event formats
Event Number Event Class Positional Fields Values
51 TWS_Process_Reset
  1. Event number.
  2. Process name.
  3. Local workstation name.
  4. Master workstation name.
101 TWS_Job_Abend
  1. Event number.
  2. Job stream workstation name.
  3. Job stream identified.
  4. Job name. For jobs submitted with at or batch, if the name supplied by the user is not unique, this is the HCL Workload Automation-generated name, and the name supplied by the user appears as variable 8 below.
  5. Workstation name on which the job runs.
  6. Job number.
  7. Job state, indicated by an integer: 1 (ready), 2 (hold), 3 (exec), 5 (abend), 6 (succ), 7 (cancl), 8 (done), 13 (fail), 16 (intro), 23 (abenp), 24 (succp), 25 (pend).
  8. Job's submitted (real) name. For jobs submitted with at or batch, this is the name supplied by the user if not unique. The unique name generated by HCL Workload Automation appears as variable 4 above.
  9. Job user.
  10. Name of the job's script file, or the command it runs. White space is replaced by the octal equivalent; for example, a space appears as \040.
  11. The rate at which an "every" job runs, expressed as hhmm. If every was not specified for the job, this is -32768.
  12. Job recovery status, indicated by an integer: 1 (stop), 2 (stop after recovery job), 3 (rerun), 4 (rerunafter recovery job), 5 (continue), 6 (continue after recovery job), 10 (this is the rerun of the job), 20 (this is the run of the recovery job).
  13. An event timestamp. This is the local time on the workstation where the job event occurred. It is expressed as: yyyymmddhhmm0000 (that is, year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds always zeroes, hundredths always zeroes).
  14. Message number (not zero only for job recovery prompts).
  15. The prompt number delimited by '\t', or zero if there is no prompt.
  16. Job record number. Identifies in the plan the record associated to the job (not for Event number 204).
  17. Job keyflag: 0 (no key flag), 1 (key flag) (not for Event number 204).
  18. Effective start time of the job (not for Event number 204). It has a valid time if it occurred in the event.
  19. Estimated start time of the job (not for Event number 204). It has a valid time if an Estimated Start time has been provided by the user.
  20. Estimated duration of the job (not for Event number 204). Time estimated by the HCL Workload Automation engine based on statistics.
  21. Deadline in Epoch (not for Event number 204). It has a valid time if a deadline time has been provided by the user.
  22. The prompt text, or HCL Workload Automation error message.
  23. Original schedule name (for schedules not (yet) carried forward).
  24. Head job record number (different from record number for rerun?every jobs).
  25. Job stream name.
  26. Job stream input arrival time expressed as: yyyymmddhhmm00.
102 TWS_Job_Failed
103 TWS_Job_Launched
104 TWS_Job_Done
105 TWS_Job_Suspended
106 TWS_Job_Submitted
107 TWS_Job_Cancel
108 TWS_Job_Ready
109 TWS_Job_Hold
110 TWS_Job_Restart
111 TWS_Job_Failed
112 TWS_Job_SuccP
113 TWS_Job_Extern
116 TWS_Job_Wait
117 TWS_Job_Waitd
120 TWS_Job_Late
121 TWS_Job_Until_Cont
122 TWS_Job_Until_Canc
120 TWS_Job_Late
119 TWS_Job
  1. Event number.
  2. Job stream workstation name.
  3. Job stream identifier.
  4. Job name.
  5. Workstation name on which the job runs.
  6. Job number.
  7. Property type indicated by an integer: 1 (CurrEstComplete), 2 (StartTime), 3 (StopTime), 4 (Duration), 5 (TerminatingPriority), 6 (KeyStatus).
  8. Property value.
  9. Record number.
  10. Key flag.
  11. Head job record number (different from record number for rerun?every jobs).
  12. Job's submitted (real) name. For jobs submitted with at or batch, this is the name supplied by the user if not unique. The unique name generated by HCL Workload Automation appears as variable 4 above.
  13. Original schedule name (for schedules not (yet) carried forward).
  14. Time stamp.
  15. Job stream name.
  16. Job stream input arrival time expressed as: yyyymmddhhmm00.
151 TWS_Schedule_Abend
  1. Event number.
  2. Job stream workstation name.
  3. Job stream identifier.
  4. Job stream state, indicated by an integer: 1 (ready), 2 (hold), 3 (exec), 4 (stuck), 5 (abend), 6 (succ),7 (cancl).
  5. Record number.
  6. Key flag.
  7. Original schedule name (for schedules not (yet) carried forward).
  8. Time stamp.
  9. Job stream name.
  10. Job stream input arrival time expressed as: yyyymmddhhmm00.
152 TWS_Schedule_Stuck
153 TWS_Schedule_Started
154 TWS_Schedule_Done
155 TWS_Schedule_Susp
156 TWS_Schedule_Submit
157 TWS_Schedule_Cancel
158 TWS_Schedule_Ready
159 TWS_Schedule_Hold
160 TWS_Schedule_Extern
161 TWS_Schedule_CnPend
163 TWS_Schedule_Late
164 TWS_Schedule_Until_Cont
165 TWS_Schedule_Until_Canc
162 TWS_Schedule
  1. Event number.
  2. Job stream workstation name.
  3. Job stream identifier.
  4. Property type indicated by an integer: 2 (StartTime), 3 ( StopTime), 4 (Duration),
  5. Property value.
  6. Record number.
  7. Original schedule name (for schedules not (yet) carried forward).
  8. Time stamp.
  9. Job stream name.
  10. Job stream input arrival time expressed as: yyyymmddhhmm00.
201 TWS_Global_Prompt
  1. Event number.
  2. Prompt name.
  3. Prompt number.
  4. Prompt text.
202 TWS_Schedule_Prompt
  1. Event number
  2. Job stream workstation name.
  3. Job stream identifier.
  4. Job stream name.
  5. Job stream input arrival time expressed as: yyyymmddhhmm00.
203 TWS_Job_Prompt
  1. Event number.
  2. Job stream workstation name.
  3. Job stream identifier.
  4. Job name.
  5. Workstation name of the job.
  6. Prompt number.
  7. Prompt text.
  8. Job stream name.
  9. Job stream input arrival time expressed as: yyyymmddhhmm00.
204 TWS_Job_Recovery_Prompt
251 TWS_Link_Dropped
  1. Event number.
  2. The "to" workstation name.
  3. Link state, indicated by an integer: 1 (unknown), 2 (down due to an unlink), 3 (down due to an error), 4 (up).

    TWS_Link_Dropped can match link state 2 only.

    TWS_Link_Failed can match link state 3 only.

    Link states 1 and 4 do not apply to these events.

252 TWS_Link_Failed
301 TWS_Domain_Manager_Switch
  1. Event number.
  2. New manager.
  3. The domain name.
  4. Event time stamp.