Defining scheduling objects

Scheduling objects are managed with the composer command-line program and are stored in the HCL Workload Automation database. The composer command-line program can be installed and used on any machine connected through TCP/IP to the system where the master domain manager is installed. It does not require the installation of an HCL Workload Automation workstation as a prerequisite. It communicates through HTTP/HTTPS with the master domain manager where the DB2® database is installed. The HTTP/HTTPS communication setup and the authentication check are managed by the WebSphere Application Server Liberty infrastructure. The composer program uses edit files to update the scheduling database. The format of the edit file used to define a specific object is described later in this chapter. For example, to create a new object, enter its definition in an edit file, and then use composer to add it to the database by specifying the edit file containing the definition. The composer command-line program checks for correct syntax inside the edit file, and, if correct, transforms the object definition into XML language and then sends the request through HTTP/HTTPS to the master domain manager.

On the master domain manager the XML definition is parsed, semantic and integrity checks are performed, and then the update is stored in the database.

All entries are managed individually and an object locking mechanism is used to manage concurrent access. Scheduling objects defined in the database are locked while accessed by a user to prevent concurrent accesses. This means that only the user locking the object has write permission to that object, and other users have read only access to that object. For additional information refer to lock and unlock.

You can use short and long keywords when issuing commands from composer, as shown in List of supported scheduling object keywords and List of supported security object keywords. The first two columns on the left list the long and short keyword formats currently supported by HCL Workload Automation. The rightmost column lists the formats compatible with earlier versions that you want to use if your network includes pre-version 8.3 installations.

Table 1. List of supported scheduling object keywords
Long keywords Short keywords Keywords compatible with installations earlier than version 8.3
calendar cal calendars
domain dom cpu
eventrule erule | er
jobdefinition jd jobs
jobstream js sched
parameter parm parms
prompt prom prompts
resource res resources
user user users
variabletable vt
wat wat
workstation ws cpu
workstationclass wscl cpu
Note: The cpu keyword is maintained to represent domains, workstations, and workstation classes for compatibility with earlier versions.
Table 2. List of supported security object keywords
Long keywords Short keywords Keywords compatible with installations earlier than version 8.3
accesscontrollist acl
securitydomain sdom
securityrole srol
The composer program does not issue specific warnings if scheduling language keywords are used as names of scheduling objects. However, the use of such keywords can result in errors, so avoid using the keywords listed in List of reserved words when defining jobs and job streams when defining jobs and job streams:
Table 3. List of reserved words when defining jobs and job streams
List of reserved words:
abendprompt after as at autodocoff
autodocon canc carryforward confirmed continue
dateval day(s) day_of_week deadline description
docommand draft end every everyday
except extraneous fdignore fdnext fdprev
filename follows freedays from go
hi i18n_id i18n_priority interactive isdefault
isuserjob jobfilename jobs join keyjob
keysched limit matching members needs
nextjob nop notempty number on
onuntil op opens order outputcond
previous priority prompt qualifier rccondsucc
recovery relative request rerun runcycle
sa sameday schedtime schedule scriptname
stop streamlogon su succoutputcond tasktype
timezone to token_in until validfrom
validto vartable vt weekday(s) workday(s)
Avoid using the keywords listed in List of reserved words when defining workstations when defining workstations, workstation classes, and domains:
Table 4. List of reserved words when defining workstations
List of reserved words:
access AIX agent_type autolink behindfirewall
command cpuclass cpuname description domain
enabled end extraneous for force
fta fullstatus host hpux ibm i
ignore isdefault linkto maestro manager
master members mpeix mpev mpexl
mpix node number off on
os other parent posix server
secureaddr securitylevel tcpaddr timezone type
tz tzid UNIX using vartable
Avoid using the keywords listed in List of reserved words when defining users when defining users:
Table 5. List of reserved words when defining users
List of reserved words:
username password end

Using object definition templates

Scheduling object definition templates are available for your use in the TWS_home\templates directory. You can use the templates as a starting point when you define scheduling objects.

Note that the dates in the templates are in the format expressed in the date format local option.