Calendar definition

A calendar is a list of dates which define if and when a job stream runs.

When creating a scheduling object, you can define it in a folder. If no folder path is specified, then the object definition is created in the current folder. By default, the current folder is the root (\) folder, but you can customize it to a different folder path. You can also use the composer rename command to move and rename objects in batch mode that use a naming convention to a different folder using part of the object name to assign a name to the object.

Each calendar definition has the following format and arguments:


[folder/]calendarname [“descriptionˮ]
     date [...]

[calendarname ...]


Specifies the name of the calendar. For calendar definitions defined in the root (/) folder, the name can contain up to 8 alphanumeric characters. For calendar definitions defined in a folder different from the root, the name can contain up to 16 characters. The character limit includes dashes (-) and underscores (_), and the name must start with a letter.
Provides a description of the calendar. The description can contain up to 120 alphanumeric characters. It must be enclosed in double quotation marks. It can contain alphanumeric characters as long as it starts with a letter. It can contain the following characters: comma (,), period (.), dash (-), plus (+), single quote ('), and equal (=). It cannot contain double quotation marks (") other than the enclosing ones, colon (:), semi-colon (;), and ampersand (&).
date [...]
Specifies one or more dates, separated by spaces. The format is mm/dd/yy.


The following example defines three calendars named monthend, paydays, and holidays:
monthend "Month end dates 1st half 2023"
     01/31/2023 02/28/2023 03/31/2023 04/30/2023 05/31/2023 06/30/2023
     01/15/2023 02/15/2023
     03/15/2023 04/15/2023
     05/14/2023 06/15/2023
     01/01/2023 02/15/2023 05/31/2023

See also

For more information about how to perform the same task from the Dynamic Workload Console, see:

Designing your Workload.