Customizing the job log header

A sample job log header template is downloaded on HCL Workload Automation for Z at installation time. You can customize it to fit it to your preferences.

When you customize the JLOGHDRTEMPL keyword of the HTTPOPTS initialization statement, you command the system to add a header containing run-related information to every job log released in the z-centric environment.

The header format can be personalized. The information displayed in the header is added depending on how you customize the header template sample that comes with the installation of HCL Workload Automation for Z and which predefined variables that describe the job and its run are featured in the header.

When you create the sample job JCL with the EQQJOBS installation aid, the following job log header template sample is added to the samples library that you specified in the EQQJOBS panels:
=                        JOBLOG HEADER                                 
= Occurrence name : ${occname}                                         
= Occurrence IA   : ${IAYYYY}/${IAMM}/${IADD} ${IAhh}:${IAmm}          
= Job name        : ${jobname}                                         
= Work station    : ${wsname}                                          
= Operation number: ${opernum}                                         
= Start time      : ${SYYYY}/${SMM}/${SDD} ${Shh}:${Smm}               
= End time        : ${EYYYY}/${EMM}/${EDD} ${Ehh}:${Emm}               
= Process ID      : ${processid}                                       
= Duration        : ${duration}                                        
= Status          : ${status}                                          
= Return code     : ${returncode}                                      
= Hostname        : ${hostname}                                        

You can then edit and copy the sample to a PARM library that must be pointed to by the JLOGHDRTEMPL keyword of the HTTPOPTS initialization statement.

The properties of the predefined variables provided in the sample are described in the following table. When you customize the sample, you can select the variables that you deem useful or retain them all.
Table 1. The predefined variables of the sample job log header template.
Variable Name Length Value is...
Occurrence name occname 16 sent at job submission
Occurrence input arrival time IAYYYY IAMM IADD IAhh IAmm sent at job submission
Job name jobname 8 sent at job submission
Workstation wsname 4 sent at job submission
Operation number opernum 2 sent at job submission
Start time SYYYY SMM SDD Shh Smm local on agent
End time EYYYY EMM EDD Ehh Emm local on agent
Process ID processid local on agent
Duration duration local on agent
Status status local on agent
Return code returncode local on agent; NOERROR actions are ignored and not truncated to 4 characters
Hostname hostname local on agent; hostname of the agent where the job ran
The syntax for the job log header variables is consistent with the syntax used for variable substitution in the z-centric environment, that is:
Important: The template sample is in the IBM-37 codepage. The brace characters ({ and }) are mapped differently depending on the codepage. If you use a different codepage to view the template, you are very likely to need to correct the variables syntax.

Only simple variable substitution is allowed, no compound variables are supported. If the variable name is incorrect, the variable is left unresolved.

You can also use variables to compose the run dates. The dates are based on the local time of the controller.