Usage notes for REPEAT mode

REPEAT mode is applied every time you set either UNTIL or EVERY.

The following keywords are applicable for REPEAT mode:
ADD [JCLVTAB(<table>)] [DEPRES(Y|N)]
    [FROM(hhmm)] [UNTIL(hhmm)] [EVERY(hhmm)] [COUNT(nnnn)]
    [DLDAY(n)] [DLTIME(hhmm)]

Use the REPEAT mode to dynamically schedule a repeating occurrence between set times, or for a certain number of occurrences. The maximum period of repeating is 24 hours, after which a new cycle must be initiated.

When you use the ADD command in REPEAT mode, without setting the RESTART keyword, it resubmits only the same occurrence or group. If it is included in an occurrence that is part of a group, the entire group is resubmitted, otherwise only the single controlling application is resubmitted. For this reason, the ADID or GROUPDEF keyword is not needed. However, if you specify any of them and it does not match the current occurrence or group, the ADD command fails.

The initial occurrence in the cycle can be added to the current plan by any of the following ways:

  • Normal planning using a run cycle to add a single occurrence with an Input Arrival time matching the FROM time
  • Adding manually by using 5.1
  • Submitting by an ADD command running in ONCE mode
  • Submitting by a PIF INSERT command
  • An Event Triggered Tracking rule

The occurrence is then repeated by including a Workload Automation Programming Language step either within an existing job in the occurrence or group, or as a standalone job, scheduled at the point where you want the next occurrence to be added to the plan.

Note: To have the repeating mode run properly, ensure that:
  • The WAPL job is the last job of the application, if the RESTART keyword is not set.
  • The first operation of the application is set as time-dependent. If you have more than one first operation, create a time-dependent dummy operation as the internal predecessor of all your first operations.
  • It is recommended that you set the RESTART keyword to reference the first operation.
  • When you manually add the application to the plan, ensure that the application IA time is not earlier than the system current time. As the result, the application occurrence is kept is Waiting status until the IA time is reached. When the last operation, which is the WAPL job, has completed, the following application occurrence is added, and so on.

    To interrupt this process, delete or complete the occurrence that is in Waiting status; in this way, the WAPL job does not run and no other occurrences are added to the plan.

Modifying the ORIGIN and RESOLVE keywords will influence when the next occurrence is scheduled to start.

The default behaviour is ORIGIN(END) and RESOLVE(NEXT). This means that the time when the ADD command runs is used to calculate the next run, which is the next multiple of EVERY following the time ADD runs.

For example, ADD FROM(0900) UNTIL(2100) EVERY(0015) repeats from 9am to 9pm every 15 minutes. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and ends at 1012, the next occurrence will be at 1015. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and runs until 1020, the next occurrence will be at 1030.

This mechanism effectively means that if a single occurrence runs longer than the EVERY interval, the intervals are skipped to catch up with the next time in the repeating cycle.

Using RESOLVE(GAP) ensures that the EVERY interval is used to make sure that each occurrence starts with the same interval between one finishing and the next starting. For example, ADD FROM(0900) UNTIL(2100) EVERY(0015) RESOLVE(GAP) repeats from 9am to 9pm every 15 minutes. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and ends at 1012, the next occurrence is at 1027. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and runs until 1020, the next occurrence is at 1035.

Using RESOLVE(BOTH) ensures that the EVERY interval is used to make sure that each occurrence starts with at least the specified EVERY interval between one finishing and the next starting, but also runs on perfect multiples of the EVERY time. For example, ADD FROM(0900) UNTIL(2100) EVERY(0015) RESOLVE(BOTH) repeats from 9am to 9pm every 15 minutes. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and ends at 1012, the next occurrence is at 1030. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and runs until 1020, the next occurrence is at 1045.

Using RESOLVE(hhmm) ensures that hhmm is used to make sure that there is a minimum time between one occurrence ending and the next one starting, but the occurrence starts on a perfect interval of the EVERY time. For example, ADD FROM(0900) UNTIL(2100) EVERY(0015) RESOLVE(0005) repeats from 9am to 9pm every 15 minutes. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and ends at 1012, the next occurrence is at 1030. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and runs until 1020, the next occurrence is at 1030.

Modifying the ORIGIN point can modify the characteristics of how the occurrences are calculated. Using ORIGIN(IA) with RESOLVE(NEXT) reproduces the behaviour that Repeat Every/Until achieves when using static run cycles. Every possible interval is scheduled. For example, ADD FROM(0900) UNTIL(2100) EVERY(0015) ORIGIN(IA) RESOLVE(NEXT) repeats from 9am to 9pm every 15 minutes. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and ends at 1012, the next occurrence is at 1015. If the occurrence starts at 1000 and runs until 1020, the next occurrence is at 1015.

COUNT can be used to limit the number of repeats, with or without FROM | UNTIL limits. For example, in the command ADD EVERY(0015) COUNT(10) the first instance could have been added by ETT, in which case the second instance is added a perfect multiple of 15 minutes from the initial triggering event. This will happen repeatedly until 10 individual runs have occurred.

For consistency between Batch Loader and the REPEAT mode of the ADD command, to add repeating run cycles ADD FROM(0900) UNTIL(2100) EVERY(0015) is identical to ADD IATIME(0900) RPTEND(2100) RPTEVRY(0015).