Persistent data

If you do not specify either FROM or UNTIL time in REPEAT mode, these values default to the current time, and one minute before the current time of the first instance respectively. To allow this time to be used by subsequent instances, it must be passed from one occurrence to the next.

If you specify COUNT, this value needs to keep a running total of occurrences to pass from one occurrence to the next.

Until HCL Workload Automation for Z V8.5.1 included, there is no recognized mechanism to pass information from one occurrence to the other, encapsulated within the occurrence.

To do this, Workload Automation Programming Language uses the Owner Description field of the occurrence in the current plan. The Owner description is left unchanged in the database, so if needed the Application Definition can be referred to, only the current plan version is changed.

If you wish to keep the Owner Description unchanged in the current plan, you must always set values for FROM and UNTIL, and you must not set the COUNT keyword.