RGSTART – Run cycle group common details (RGCOM segment)

Use the RGSTART control statement to signal the start of a run cycle group definition.

After an RGSTART control statement there are one or more RGRUN control statements, one for every run cycle of the run cycle group.

The ADRULE control statement must immediately follow the RGRUN statement. See ADRULE for details.

Note: The RGSTART statement is available only starting from HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.1, or later.
Table 1. Keywords for RGSTART
Keyword Description
CALENDAR The name of a calendar used by the entire group (of up to 16 characters). This field is optional. The run cycle group calendar is superseded by the calendar name specified for each run cycle, if any. If none is specified, the DEFAULT calendar is used.
DESCR A description of up to 50 characters. This field is optional.
DLDAY The number of days (from 1 to 99) from the input arrival day that the application should be completed in: 0 means that the deadline is on the same day as the input arrival day. This must be an integer.

This value becomes the default deadline day for the entire group. It is overruled at run cycle level by a value in the DLDAY keyword of RGRUN.

DLTIME The deadline time that the application should be completed by, in the format hhmm.

This value becomes the default deadline time for the entire group. It is overruled at run cycle level by a value in the DLTIME keyword of RGRUN.

IATIME The default input arrival time that will be generated by this run cycle group in the hhmm format. This field is optional, but if you do not specify here a value for the whole group, you must specify input arrival times for each run cycle of the group in the RGRUN control statement.
JVTAB The name of the JCL variable table associated with the run cycle group (up to 16 characters). This field is optional. The run cycle group variable table is superseded by the variable table specified for each run cycle, if any.
OWNER The run cycle group owner's name (from 1 to 16 characters). This field is optional.
RGID The name of the run cycle group. The name must be from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters long and must start with a letter or national character. This field is required.