RGRUN – Run cycle group individual run cycle

Use the RGRUN control statement to add a run cycle specification within a run cycle group.

RGRUN statements follow the RGSTART statement that defines a run cycle group, and are followed each by the ADRULE statement that defines the run cycle rule.

Note: The RGRUN statement is available only starting from HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.1, or later.
Table 1. Keywords for RGRUN
Keyword Description
CALENDAR The name of the calendar used by this run cycle. The name can be of up to 16 characters. If it is not specified, the run cycle uses the calendar specified for the run cycle group.
JVTAB The name of the JCL variable table to be used for the occurrences generated. The name can be of up to 16 characters. If it is not specified, the run cycle uses the variable table specified for the run cycle group.
DESCR A free-format description of the run cycle, up to 50 characters and enclosed in single quotation marks.
DLDAY The number of days (from 1 to 99) from the input arrival day that the application should be completed in: 0 means that the deadline is on the same day as the input arrival day. This must be an integer.

A value specified here overrules for this run cycle any value defined with RGDLDAY for the entire group.

DLTIME The deadline time that the application should be completed by, in the format hhmm.

A value specified here overrules for this run cycle any value defined with RGDLTIME for the entire group.

IATIME The time, in the format hhmm, that the application is to arrive at the first workstation. If it is not specified here, the run cycle uses the input arrival time specified for the run cycle group.
NAME The run cycle name. It can be of up to 8 characters.
RPTEND The repeat end time for the EVERY options, in the format hhmm. It must be a time between the IA time of the run cycle and the calendar work day end time of the application.
RPTEVRY The repeating frequency for the EVERY options, in the format hhmm. It specifies that the application has an occurrence in the long-term plan every hhmm, starting from the IA time to the repeat end time (RPTENDT keyword). If this keyword is not set, only the occurrence related to the IA time is added to the long-term plan.
RULE Defines which free-day rule is in effect:
Count only work days when using the rule or offset. That is, free days are excluded. This option ensures that the scheduled day will always be a work day. This is the default for offset-based run cycles.
Count work days and free days when using the rule or offset. If this gives a free day, schedule the application on the closest work day before the free day.
Count work days and free days when using the rule or offset. If this gives a free day, schedule the application on the closest work day after the free day.
Count work days and free days when using the rule or offset. If this gives a free day, schedule the application on the free day. This is the default for rule-based run cycles.
Count work days and free days when using the rule or offset. If this gives a free day, do not schedule the application at all.
SUBSETID The run cycle subset identifier. If the run cycle is part of a subset in the run cycle group (this is useful to match more run cycles against negative rules or to use the logical AND condition), enter the name of the subset. It must be from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters long and must start with a letter or national character.
TYPE Specify the type of rule-based run cycle:
R (regular)
The ADRULE statement specifies days when the application should be scheduled.
E (exclusion)
The ADRULE statement specifies days when the application should not be scheduled.
A (regular for all A rules subsets)
The ADRULE statement specifies days when the application should be scheduled only if they match all A types of the set of run cycles belonging to SUBSETID.
D (exclusion for all D rules subsets)
The ADRULE statement specifies days when the application should not be scheduled ONLY if they match all D types of the set of run cycles belonging to SUBSETID.
VALFROM The start date of the validity of this run cycle, in the format yymmdd.
VALTO The end date of the validity of this run cycle, in the format yymmdd.